Page 58 of Watering Stone

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The IOU was a chance for a baby in two years.

Keahi looked at her with glowing eyes, and Nalu’s had the same tone. Healing would be done in between, but not counting on that, her heat would tell her when her body wanted to try again. She didn’t have Ven’s metabolism, so they were going to wait the whole nine months. Once the first pregnancy produced a little person, they were going to have a schedule all worked out to get all of the guys at least one of their own. She wasn’t a fan of twins.

Elly kissed Nalu and leaned against his shoulder, thinking about what the next year would bring.

Eliana sat after the scan and heard the word she didn’t want to hear. “Twins!”

Keahi was smirking. His dragon had done his own exam and had stated that one was for the lava and one was for the ocean. If it was true, it meant one more pregnancy, and she was done. Elly focused on that. Thirty-seven weeks to go.

Two little boys, one with black eyes and one with blue. Mano had been her birthing partner, as he was the most even-tempered of the bunch. The other two were now seated next to her bed with their little boys in their arms.

Mano was smiling, and she drowsily looked at him. “Why are you so happy?”

He chuckled. “Because when your body is ready, I can try without their beasts tearing me apart. It will still be touch and go, but I have a shot.”

She yawned. “I will take a hint from Ven and start the festivities a day early.”

“I will be there, any day, any time.”

Elly nodded. “Good because we will have to be sneaky, and sneaky is hard for me.”

“It comes naturally to me. Ambush predators for the win.” He kissed the back of her hand.

The guys were besotted with their boys, and the waiting room was filled with family, with Elly’s mother on the way.

She smiled as she napped. Mother’s Day would be a landslide of gifts by the time they were done. She was pretty sure that no one wanted to stop at one, including her.

Elly woke as she heard Keahi singing to Kai. He sang in the language the islanders spoke from birth, but they had all gone to English when Syar took on Reynaldo as his alpha. Reynaldo had a problem learning languages, so most folks spoke English for all public events. Elly was learning, and right now, Keahi was singing about waves and fire, ocean and lava, men and women. The push and pull were in every part of the song, but the baby was still wrinkly with his eyes closed.

She reached out to him and sighed. “That’s a beautiful song.”

“It put him to sleep. He is very cute.”

“He has a very cute daddy. Where’s Nalu?”

“Taking his turn to introduce the baby.”

She smiled. “He’ll be right back.”

“How can you tell?”

Kai screwed up his fists and let out a purring yell.

Keahi smiled. “Ah. Got it.”

Nalu came in with a squalling baby, and they helped her get situated to feed both at once.

The door pushed open, but Keahi’s mother pushed them back to the waiting room, and Elly was able to fumble through the first feeding with the three people she trusted most and the two new ones she had just produced. Keahi had blown fire into her, her body had cleaned out, and the raw spots were healing fast. She wanted to go home, see the ocean, and put the babies together in the same cot until they got too big.

Keahi nodded. “We are just waiting for Reynaldo to bring the carriers, and we will take them and you home. And my mother has to give you the all-clear. Don’t even think about making a run for it without her say-so.”

She chuckled and knew that in a few hours, she would be home, and from there, she could rest and recover with her family around her in Keahi’s arms. It was where she had always wanted to be, after all.
