Page 59 of A Hero in Hiding

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When we reach the car, Ellison immediately gets into the driver’s seat and barks a demand for August to be in the passenger seat. For some reason, he seems to think he’s the safest of the group but doesn’t account for Deus sitting behind him.

“So honestly, I think if there’s speculation that one of the three who can manipulate illusions might be doing this, we need to meet them in person,” August says. “We now have Ellison who understands illusions, and Deus who could possibly see through it if someone did it to him.”

“Two of them live halfway across the country, so if they have alibis, the likelihood of it being one of them is pretty small,” I say. “I say we check out this lady who lives in the area still. She might have something of interest.”

“Have you had any luck figuring out who hired you?” August asks Deus.

“Not yet, but I’m sure it’s not the last time we’ll see the bounty hunters aching for a piece of your flesh. One of them eventually has to have something. There were two outside your house last night, but sadly one was all ‘Please don’t murder me!’ and the other was like ‘I don’t mind being killed if it’s by your sexy hands’ which was a bit weird but eh, he asked for it.”

Everyone’s attention snaps over to Deus.

“You didn’t think it’d be important to mention that at some point?” I ask.

Deus looks mildly confused. “Well… I mean I’ve been taking out one or two a day, and every morning I put it on the invoice that I hand you guys,” he says before looking eager. “It’s going to be a good paycheck this time!”

I eye Deus and wonder at what point I should tell him that he’s being treated more like a new hero of the city and less like a hitman for hire. “So… what number are you up to now… you know, on the people who’ve been after us?”

“Um… I think last night was the seventeenth one.”

My eyes snap to August who has turned around in his seat to stare at me.

We’ve just been sitting in our cuddly bed going, “Oh this is so nice, we’ve had no villains annoying us at all,” and it’s all because Deus has been roaming the streets alone taking them all out.

“When do you sleep?” Lex whispers.

“I tried taking a nap during the especially boring point of Ellison’s lecture this morning but I got yelled at, so I haven’t slept yet! Ha ha! I’m fine. I generally just turn invisible and take a nap when you guys aren’t looking. I fell asleep on the toilet yesterday. Valerie found me when she went to sit down and called me a perv.”

I jab a finger at him. “Knock that shit off.”

Deus looks shocked and minorly offended. “What?”

“That is ridiculous that you think it’s smart to just go out at night alone. What if someone killed you?”

“I am—”

“Untouchable, Iknow,but no one is completely untouchable. I don’t want to see you die because you’re out there without backup,” I say.

He watches me for a long moment before smiling. “It’s okay… this is how I’ve always been told to do it.”

“Yeah, well then maybe they didn’t care about you, but we do,” August says.

Deus looks confused now as he glances between us. “Well, that’s just… I mean… It’s not…” He almost seems flustered.

“I’m serious,” August says. “We don’t want to see you hurt or killed.”

“How the hell are you going to make more voodoo dolls for my love if you’re dead?” I ask.

Deus smiles. “They’re lucky dolls! But… fine… I’ll… I’ll make sure to let you know before I go out alone!”

It’s not quite what I had in mind, but it’s better than nothing and will at least give us a heads-up before he goes out to risk his life.

I glance over at August who’s in the front seat to see that he’s texting Valerie this information which results in a lot of declarations of WHAT??? from her.

“So…” Deus stares at me.


If I thought he was flustered before, it was nothing like how he is now. “Does that mean… like… do you maybe… kind of want to be… like friends with me?” he asks then gives me a wave and a fake laugh. “Never mind. Forget I asked. Ha ha. That was stupid. I should kill someone. Who needs to be dead? Then we can try out your wearing a human body thing. Ha ha.” He lifts his gun and rolls down the window like he’s just going to start sniping people off the street to feel better about what he’s just asked.
