Page 25 of Reckless Roulette

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“How there are some people in the world that are just good, you know? Born good, die good but nothing good ever happens to them. And then there are people like me who just have it all and there’s not a damn good thing about me.”

He shakes his head. “Oh, don’t believe that. You’re really good in bed. And you’re really good at giving gifts,” he says as his hand rests on my cock, just light enough I can feel him through my pants.

“I forgot I have something to do,” I say as I get up and head toward the back room. William, who really wants his watch band, chases after me.

“What do you mean? I’ve been trying to chase you down all week, then I finally find you and you’re leaving?” he asks.

“What? Since you saw they had new bands you’ve been trying to chase me down?”

William looks a bit startled before shaking his head. “No! I’m not like that. You know me. We have fun! It’s all good fun!”

I nod and slip through the door where I grab the bag full of Len’s junk before heading to the back parking lot. I don’t bother calling for any of my guards. Honestly, I don’t even know why as I walk out to the car. Maybe I don’t give a shit or maybe I don’t think Norn will do anything just yet, or maybe… I don’t want more people to die because of me.

Instead, I send a text to Jon and tell him that I’m headed out before getting in the car. William tries getting in but I lock the door before he can.

“What the fuck?” he asks.

“Goodnight, William.”

“What’s wrong with you today?” he shouts through the window he’s standing outside of.

“It’s a question I’ve been asking myself all day,” I say before putting the car in drive and heading off toward the address Harker had sent me.

The drive’s not far, barely ten minutes before I pull up outside a large apartment building. I park before taking a moment to second-guess what I’m doing. Why would I turn down a fun piece of ass for this?

With a sigh, I get out and go up to the front door before pressing on the buzzer. A man comes to the door but stays safely behind it. In this area, my guess is that while he acts like a concierge, his real job is security.

“Good evening, sir.”

“I’m meeting someone,” I say as I flash him two hundred dollars.

He hesitates then nods before holding the door open. “Right this way.”

“Room 302.”

“Ah right. Thank you, sir,” he says with a smile as he takes me over to the elevator and sends me up it alone, his eyes focused on the money like such a small amount has just changed his whole world.

I reach the third floor and walk down the hallway. It was foolish of me to expect that Len lived in a high-class apartment. I just assumed any man that could snub his nose at a million dollars thought that it was chump change. But of course Len wouldn’t live in luxury. That’s just not who he is. The apartment building isn’t run-down or on the poor side of town but seems average in every sense and… just fits Len.

I knock on the door and wait a minute before it swings open, and a very confused Len looks out at me.

“Well, this is unusual. Did ya come to murder me? Punch me again?” he teases, and the look on his face tells me that he’s reminiscing about how awful of a fighter I really am.

“My back is still sore from the last time I punched you,” I grumble.

“Hold on… Last time you punched me or—more accurately—the last time youtriedpunching me. It’s a huge difference,” he says as he stands there with his messy hair. He’s wearing sweatpants that hang on him and are covered in comic book characters. His shirt is two sizes too big and still… there’s just something about him.

Something that makes me reallylookat him. Makes me realize that when I look at him, there’s nothing I can pull apart like I can with a guy like William.IsWilliam sexier? I guess he is, but isn’t that just because of his actions and clothing? The look of glee on Len’s face is undoubtedly sexier.


I push all those stupid thoughts to the farthest corner of my mind where they undoubtedly need to wither and die. “I brought your junk.”

“Oh my god, you’re the sweetest. I was going to pick it up earlier but ended up marathoningTheAvengers. Have you watched it?”

“I don’t watch senseless TV,” I say as I hold the bag out, which he takes. Now my job is done, and I can leave and do something worthwhile with the days I have left.

“Oh no… you’re just… you’re just so manly, what’ll you ever do if you watch TV! What if it makes it harder for you to growl at people?”
