Page 20 of Rise of a Kingdom

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“Jealousy is a dog's bark which attracts thieves.” Karl Kraus

“Youlookstunning,Stella.”Jaxon’s slow steps greet me and his words cause a flush of pleasure to rise within me at the compliment. I have never been swayed by pretty words, especially ones from men, but I can tell that his words are sincere by the look on his face. His gaze moves down to stare intently at my feet, the red five-inch heels giving me much needed height against Jaxon’s six foot one frame, but also making my legs look impossibly long. “Later, I’m going to fuck you with those heels up by my ears, Stella.”

Every filthy word out of his delectable and sinful mouth causes shivers of anticipation and need to cascade through me. His gaze shifts over me with heat and admiration from my feet to my short black dress and over my waist until his gaze centers on the deep “V” neckline that is showing off a large amount of the swell of my breasts. The dress is daring for me and completely out of my comfort range.

The reason behind wearing it causes me even more discomfort than the amount of skin I am currently exposing to the eyes of strangers and my new husband. When he suggested that we dine out together at one of the top restaurants in the city. One that is frequented by most of the elite and top models. Models that have had previous sexual relations with my husband.

I decided that I wanted to prove to them and to myself that I was not just a woman he got saddled with in this arranged marriage. That I could hold my own against them and keep Jaxon’s attention on me all night long. I know I will never be Kalista Cain beautiful, but I know I’m not an ugly hag either. Men do look at me occasionally with heat in their eyes.

The only man’s attention I’m interested in capturing tonight is Jaxon’s. I want him to desire me, to look at me with longing and sexual attraction. The reasoning behind why I want those things, confusing, and causing me to doubt my sanity. Regardless of my crumbling willpower and mental instability, I might have gone a bit overboard and let the woman at the exclusive Fifth Avenue boutique talk me into this dress. One that I would never have even considered under normal circumstances. The one she guaranteed would have my husband drooling over me all night long, so far, she was right on the money.

Jaxon takes a step closer, leaning his upper body towards mine, his scent wafting over me as his warm breath slithers over my bare shoulder and neck. “I’m going to fuck those perky tits too, Stella.” My core throbs painfully empty at his words and my nipples pucker tightly with anticipation. His warm palm slides up the side of my waist, over my ribs and cups my breast, the thin material of the dress offering no resistance against his hand. “I can’t wait to cover these beauties with my cum.”

His words are shocking, erotic, and filthy and turn me on immediately. The scrap of lace I’m wearing as panties is now drenched and any minute my arousal will be dripping down the inside my thighs. He must sense how ramped up I already am, a devious chuckle leaves his lips and his hand slides back down to my waist, pulling me closer to him. His lips skate across my cheek, before meeting my lips in a quick peck. The heat from his body doing delicious things to my already over-stretched nerves.

“Let’s go eat, I’m fucking starving and the faster I feed you, the sooner I can go home to my own feast.” He pulls me forward and we walk into the fine dining Italian restaurant together. All eyes are on us. I can feel their gazes like little ants crawling across my skin. Jaxon seems completely unperturbed with the attention and other than nodding to a few acquaintances here and there, he gives no one any serious attention. As I trail my gaze across the room, I notice the longing on various women’s faces as they stare at Jaxon, before quickly averting their eyes when my warning glare lands on them.

The maître d seats us in a small round upholstered booth, fresh white linens adorn the table and various candles are lit and surround us. The whole atmosphere gives off a very romantic vibe, one that I should be wary of but instead for tonight I’m throwing caution to the wind and enjoying myself in the company of the sexiest man I know. When Jaxon phoned me at the office to ask me to meet him here tonight after our interaction in the boardroom of Penticton Industries, I wanted to refuse him. The words were on the tip of my tongue, but instead I found myself agreeing.

Has all the orgasms this man has been pulling from my needy body, finally fried my brain? I found myself thinking about him throughout the day. Remembering how it feels to have his skin against mine. His fingers deep inside of me and the taste of his cock in my mouth. All the sensations have me in a constant lust filled fog. I’m struggling to concentrate on my own plans to conquer the world around me and bring it to its knees. The only man I seem interested in bringing to his knees before me, at the moment, is the one sitting across from me, eyeing me like I’m a slice of heavenly cheesecake.

“How did the rest of your power domination go today?” He inquires with a smirk and a raised eyebrow. I roll my eyes at him, knowing he’s baiting me to get into an argument with him. Just as I am about to reply, the waiter appears before our table. His dark eyes meet mine, taking his time to peruse my face, frame and dress before even acknowledging Jaxon’s presence. The guy is hot, like magazine cover hot, and come to think of it, I may have seen him inside of one or in a commercial or something. An embarrassed blush rises on my skin at the overwhelming and intense way he’s staring at me. He looks like he would like nothing more than to have his way with me, regardless of our current company.

Jaxon clears his throat and the blond-haired handsome waiter finally turns his attention towards him. “Good evening, welcome to Santa Lucia. Can I start you off with some wine? Perhaps a special drink for the lady?” Jaxon’s jaw locks tight and I try to hide a chuckle at his irritation with the waiter. His hand is clenched on the fine white table cloth and he is grinding his molars. Is my new husband perhaps a little jealous of the attention I am receiving from another male?

“The lady and I will have a bottle of yourDomaine de la Romanee.“ Jaxon raises an eyebrow, almost daring the waiter to utter another word. The man nods and quickly slithers away but not before trailing his eyes once again over me. I’m starting to feel self conscious; do I look like a slut? I don’t want that type of attention from anyone but Jaxon.It doesn’t matter what you wear, you could be sitting here naked, people can only make you feel uncomfortable with yourself if you allow it to happen,my brain admonishes me. My eyes shift to Jaxon and I notice his gaze is still on the brave waiter. I try to defuse the situation and bring his attention back to me by answering his original question.

“We had to forcefully escort one of the board members out with security. The idiot really thought he would be able to leave with classified documents in his briefcase. He caused quite a scene, kicking and screaming and threatening me with a lawsuit.”

Jaxon’s fingers slide across the table, his long fingers tapping the table top and meeting mine. His middle finger skates over my ring finger and the massive square cut Stratford diamond that now resides there. “Fuck 'em, Stella. You see this shiny rock here, this means you can destroy and ruin whoever the fuck you want to, anyone but me.”

My breath leaves my lips in a staggered exhale trying to hold in the chuckle that wants to escape and a sheepish smile crosses my face. “Anyone but you? Why not you too, Jaxon?”

“Oh little viper, you know that diamond means you're mine, in every way. That’s my name and ownership plain for everyone to see across your delicate finger. Although, I am open to much more creative ways of demonstrating that you are my possession.” His eyes linger on the length of my neck and collarbone, the one still demonstrating the marks from his lips and fingers.

Irritation fills me once again at his crude words indicating I am nothing more than an object to him, a possession he coveted and then won. “I don’t want to be your possession Jaxon. I’m your fucking wife and your equal.” I get ready to stand and move out of the booth, annoyed that once again I have been diminished to nothing but an object. His fingers tighten on mine, holding me firmly in place before I can rise.

“If you move out of that seat and try to leave me here like some fuckboy, I swear to you Stella, I will have you down on your knees with my cock shoved painfully down that pretty throat in front of all these fellow diners. Do not tempt me to take you here. I am barely holding onto my precarious restraint with that dress you’re wearing.”

His threat is shocking and makes me pause, would he really attempt to do that to me here? If he tried I would stab him with the cutlery currently on the table.Would you though? Let’s be real here, you enjoy when he makes you come where others could get a peek.The cynical bitch in my head replies. Our gazes clash in a standoff, the heady threat of punishment if I try to leave a live wire between us. A part of me wants to push his buttons just to see if he really will comply with his threat. The other part of me, the logical side that has a shred of self preservation left, argues for me to sit my ass down and avoid this confrontation. This will not end well, I could end up being front page news tomorrow with Jaxon’s cock in my mouth.

The waiter returns with our wine and some complimentary appetizers, placing them down and filling my glass just as a man approaches our table and gets Jaxon’s attention, totally disregarding me, like I’m not even present. Jaxon turns his attention towards him with a scowl across his face. The waiter takes the opportunity to lean a little forward and whispers near my ear. “You’re the hottest woman in here tonight, what are you doing with the overbearing tyrant?” His fingertip skates down the length of my arm, causing goosebumps to form and the hairs to stand on end. “I’m off in a few hours, I could show you a better time, beautiful.”

My mouth opens and then closes in complete disbelief. This guy is either really daring or really stupid trying to pick me up while my husband sits a mere two feet away talking to someone else. Something drops in my lap lightly and my fist closes around it. It’s a piece of folded paper, no doubt with this idiot’s number. Should I say something to Jaxon? Should I even acknowledge this fucker's attempt? Maybe I should punch him in the dick. The thought of how that will completely ruin the rest of our night stops me from doing anything. I drop the folded paper next to me on the seat and disregard it.

The menacing and cold look I give the waiter has him taking a step back and realizing his mistake. I’m not one of these rich bored wives here to make arrangements to fool around behind her husband’s back. “Step back and take our order or I will dick punch you.” I whisper so that I don’t interrupt Jaxon’s ongoing conversation with the rude guy that didn’t even greet me.

Jaxon’s conversation finishes up and we proceed to order our food, the earlier conversation seemingly forgotten. For the remainder of the meal, the waiter finally behaves professionally and luckily I don’t think Jaxon even noticed the man’s blatant attempt to pick me up. Jaxon’s quieter, the flirtation gone from our night and leaving me on edge. We speak about trivial things, two strangers enjoying a meal.

As we are leaving the restaurant and approaching our waiting limo, Jaxon suddenly stops and glares at me. “What did I tell you about what’s mine, Stella?” The question throws me off a bit. I can see he’s angry, his fists are clenched and his jaw is locked, the muscles in his neck strained and his eyes flashing molten silver.

“I have no idea what you are talking about Jaxon. Can we just get home? I’m tired and this night has become tedious.” I shiver from the cold air around us, regretting wearing this napkin of a dress and even coming tonight.

“Get in the fucking car Stella, I’ll be right back with a little reminder.” He stalks off back into the restaurant and I am utterly confused about what is going on here. Has he lost his mind? What the hell is he even going on about now? The night I envisioned for us has gone down the toilet and once again I am left feeling less than. Why did I even try to make this night work? It’s not like I need to seduce him for my plans to work.

Just as I’m getting into the limo and seriously contemplating demanding the driver leave without Jaxon, a pained shout sounds from the entrance of the restaurant. I pop my head back out of the open doorway of the limo and watch as Jaxon roughly drags the waiter that served us by the hair and neck kicking and screaming towards the vehicle.
