Page 27 of Rise of a Kingdom

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“No, I will not, in fact, be doing that. I will be heading into the office to see to my affairs.” I raise my hand harshly to stop the words that are about to leave her thick lips, the hairy mole above her eye rising with her eyebrows in disdain. “You may think you are in charge here, nurse, but you are wrong.”

“Actually, sir, your wife is in charge here.” Sebastiana throws back at me with no doubt glee. I watch with rancor as she moves further into the room, unperturbed by my obvious dislike of her.Is every woman I meet lately certain to make my male ego shrink in upon itself?I can feel my balls wanting to shrivel up, tuck tail, and hide inside of my body at her miserable disposition and approach.

I roll my eyes at her words and move toward the doorway to pass her. “Sir, I really must insist! Shall I contact Mrs. Stratford?” Her threat breaks what precious little hold on my civilities I have left. I stop before her, my breath coming in angry pants. I can feel my neck and face getting hot, and I know my nostrils are flaring like an enraged bull about to knock her on her ass. I have never struck a woman, never desired to even raise my hand in anger at one, but this bitch is trying my fucking sanity. I clench both my hands at my side to avoid grabbing this insolent woman and shaking her until her fucking teeth rattle out of her head or put holes in the walls of my house.

“If you ever want to work again, never mind take another breath; you will do no such thing. No one is my master, not my wife, and certainly not you.” I move closer until my body is mere inches from hers. “If you alert my wife that I have left the estate, I will ensure that you meet with a regrettable accident on your way home, nurse Sebastiana. Oh, and your precious cat, Snuffles, will disappear off the face of the goddamn planet. Don’t for one-second doubt that I can make that happen with a quick call.”

A gasp leaves her lips, and I watch with satisfaction as she swallows whatever words were bound to leave her miserable mouth. I turn away from her, trying hard to keep the smirk off my face.Fuck, that look of fear in her eyes made me feel good; I want more of that.Two arctic blue eyes appear in my mind, ones I would love to see cowering before me or, better yet, filled with molten passion. One I know she is more than capable of. Stella gagged, bound, and on her knees before me is the shit fantasies are made of, and I am about to make mine a reality.

Yes, I think it’s time I paid my little viper a visit at the office and determine how our empires fare. Perhaps the little ice queen will be made to drop to her knees in front of her king and apologize with her villainous lips for her actions. Just the image of all the ways I want to shove my cock inside all of Stella’s holes has me hardening painfully. I might need to stroke one out before I head off to see her. I wouldn’t want to terrify the office staff, walking around with my cock tenting my pants.

After that, my first stop is to teach a doctor some bedside manners. I hope he doesn’t learn quickly. I have a huge amount of pent-up anger to work off before I wrap my fingers around my wife’s pretty throat.



“It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels.” Saint Augustine

Myofficedoorslamsopen with a hard bang, hitting the side wall and embedding the handle into the plaster. The framed art rattles on the walls loudly before one of them crashes to the ground, shattering upon impact. Panic fills my body as I push back my chair and grab onto the blade I never have far from my grasp anymore. When my eyes lift and meet cold slate gray ones, I almost drop the damn knife and end up cutting myself on its sharp edge. A red blood drop wells up on my skin before sliding down and landing on the fabric of my navy-flared skirt.

Fear and annoyance fills me and threatens to take my very breath away. Fear because, for a moment there, I thought another assailant had arrived to finish what the last two hadn’t been able to manage. Annoyance, because my unwanted husband is standing there looking smug and delicious with his hands in his pockets instead of at home, where I left him under lock and key.

I watch as my assistant Tyson rushes in with an alarmed look on his face and the armed security guard right behind him. They both look ready to attack my husband at the slightest provocation. Jaxon gives both of them such a menacing stare that they each take a step back, and then their gazes meet mine in question.

I roll my eyes at the spectacle Jaxon is creating and nod my head no when Tyson’s face questions whether I need Jaxon removed from my presence. As I shift my eyes from the two men sworn to protect me, back to the menace before me that has already sacrificed himself for me, I hear his threats to Tyson. “I’ll deal with you later, fucker.” Tyson smirks back at Jaxon without the slightest hint of fear and shuts my office door behind him. He is a brave fellow; it looks like my decision to keep him on was a smart one.

“Hello, little viper. Not happy to see me?” I watch as he strolls nonchalantly into my office, the picture of power and entitlement. His head is held high, his nose crinkled in amusement, and a devious smile across his gorgeous face, disrupting my already taxing day. He’s a Greek god of the underworld, here to tempt me and make me lose my precious sanity.Fuck, he really needs to stop looking so delicious; my lady parts do not need the temptation.

“Jaxon, do I need to fire the nurse or send a search party for her?”

I sit myself back down in my office chair and try to avoid meeting his glare while pressing my trembling hand against my thigh out of his sightline. Ever since he woke up from his coma, it’s getting harder and harder to be in his presence and resist my need to touch him and reassure myself that he is, in fact, alive. Guilt eats at me every time I look at him, knowing that he was shot and almost died, saving me—a sacrifice I don’t deserve.

Fuck deserving it; we should take him up on the promise of tremendous sexual gratification..It’s there in every line of his body and in the heated looks he keeps sending me nightly. He almost just died; we can’t just jump on him…can we?Bitch, if he dies while we ride him, he dies!My inner voice cackles which has a small smirk crossing my lips at the naughty thought.

He looks amazing standing there in his dark gray dress pants and crisp white shirt.Wait…what the hell is that splattered up his arms and on the waist of his shirt? Is that blood?What has he done now? Did he actually fight the bear of a nurse I left in charge of him? I wouldn’t put it past him. The thought makes a smile want to break across my face, but I fight the urge to let him see any of my emotions.We are both psychos; is there a wonder we ended up tied to each other?Fate and karma are two destructive bitches.

“She’s alive and well. You should have known better, though, Stella. I won’t be managed or controlled.”

A sneer crosses his handsome chiseled face and it has me biting the inside of my cheek. Jaxon Stratford is one of the most stunning men I have ever had the misfortune to meet, never mind marry, even when he is practically growling at me. He is temptation and sin, all wrapped into a glorious and exquisite package.One that I want to unwrap with my teeth.

Yet I force myself to keep my distance from him every night when I return to our estate. The task becoming more challenging to force myself to endure. As for controlling or managing him, it seems an impossible feat. Even almost dying has done nothing for his possessive, demanding personality. I don’t think there is a being on this earth that could force Jaxon Stratford to do anything he doesn’t acquiesce to, not even me.

“I see; so fired then.” I shrug, my eyebrows furrowing and my jaw tensing as I return my gaze to the document before me on my desk. I’m trying hard to look dismissive of the man that has corrupted my every waking thought and caused havoc with sinful dreams in my sleeping ones.

Every time I close my eyes, he is there. Calling to me, tempting me with his naughty words, demands, and the promise of sweet ecstasy. The memory of the feel of those lips and fingers on me haunts me and causes a flame to be lit from within. Slowly burning all my willpower and good sense. One that I can’t seem to extinguish on my own, it seems, despite my frustrating attempts. My body craves his touch like an addict, willing to do anything for another hit.Just one more taste…my heated blood begs.

I close my eyes and force myself to take calming breaths. I cannot let Jaxon see the overwhelming need I have for him. One that is frightening me down to my very core. A man like him will use it to control me. He is still weak from his ordeal with the chest wound, but he won’t be for long and it would be a horrendous mistake to give him power over me.Would it though…to let him control us, to bend to his will? I bet he would make it feel so good.My mind teases me.

He strolls to the side of my desk, his intoxicating scent of spicy citrus and musk filling my senses and almost causing me to moan out loud. Damn it! I am becoming a wanton whore, just like the ones that always chased him around.We want to be his dirty whore…my mind tries to tempt me with the thought. I almost choke on my own saliva at the thought of being just that, Jaxon’s whore.

He perches that outrageously firm ass of his on the corner of my desk, and his finger reaches out, caressing my cheek before titling my chin up to meet his dark, anthracite gaze. What might be amusement along with desire is featured in his sultry depths, and it has my breath hitching in my throat: justone taste, one lick.My mind begs of me as a shiver races up my spine.

“That’s better little ice queen. I prefer when you are looking up at me, Stella.” His tongue peeks out as he licks his bottom lip, making my core clench painfully and the rest of me wishing it was me he was licking. “The only thing better would be if you were looking at me from your knees, with those pouty red lips wrapped around my cock.”

My eyes momentarily shut as the image of his words are projected into my mind. Desire to do exactly what he is describing fills my body, and heat rises, like flames licking at my skin, while my needy core throbs to be filled. I reopen my eyes, and my gaze meets his heated one and roams over his sexy features before dropping to his chest, watching the deep inhales he’s taking and lowering still to the tented fabric of his slacks. He’s hard and thick in his pants, the shape of his cock pushing against the fabric. His own words and my response has him sitting there looking like a deviant warrior king off to collect his spoils.

A sharp exhale leaves my parted lips, and heat rises up my chest and neck. Jaxon Stratford is the definition of “big dick energy, “ and luckily for me, he has the goods to back that shit up. Not so lucky for me. I can’t seem to control the fiend. .
