Page 37 of Rise of a Kingdom

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“Your wife?" The bald man at the end of the conference table questions with fear across his features. He should be scared; I’m a moment away from destroying this whole fucking room!

“Yes, my wife, Stella Stratford. Five foot-nothing brunette with arresting blue eyes, Usually wearing a malicious and determined expression. My wife! Who is supposed to be in this meeting right now!”

A timid blonde with a pixie cut raises her hand, and I can see her trembling as she stands up. “Sir, she canceled the meeting earlier. She is not here.”Canceled the fucking meeting?Where the hell is she now then? I turn around to a red-faced and visibly winded Jake; my head is ready to explode. The fear that something could have happened to her is having an almost crippling effect on me and is triggering my need to get my arms around her.

“Get that brick of a cell phone out and find out where she is." I walk back out of the meeting room, allowing the door to slam behind me as I head to the vehicle I pilfered from one of my lawyers. The fucking thing is a station wagon with brown faux wood paneling, a monstrosity, but I couldn’t be choosy. I needed a vehicle to get to Stella; this was the closest one without damage from the blast.

I hear Jake mumbling on the stupid phone behind me while desperately trying to keep up with me. The man needs to get more cardio; he’s going to have a heart attack. The irony is not lost on me, having had three heart attacks myself this year, but I get lots of cardio daily between my wife’s creamy thighs.

“They believe she is still at the office, sir.” He heaves as he pulls the passenger side door open and tries to squeeze his six-foot three-hundred-pound frame into the chariot from hell.

This fucking car is filled with children’s toys and car seats, and the God-awful smell of grape juice is making my stomach turn. If this is what I have to look forward to, once I put a baby inside of Stella’s womb, I may have to rethink the whole thing. I drive back to my office at the quickest speed this vehicle can manage, my fingers tightly wrapped around the steering wheel and my knuckles blanched.

Once I reach the office, I don’t even bother to park the damn car, abandoning it while it’s still running in front of the building and rushing inside. I pass security in the lobby, who gives me a strange, alarmed look, and then slip into the elevator up to my office. Once the doors open, I’m practically running down the hall towards mine and Stella’s offices. People are moving out of my way as if I was on fire. Her cunt of an assistant isn’t at his desk as I pass, and her door is shut. I slam it open in my eagerness to see her but am greeted with an empty room.Where the fuck is she?I have a sinking feeling starting in the pit of my stomach and an irrational fear that she is avoiding me, prickling at the back of my mind. .

I rush from her office to mine just as Jake runs into the room. “Jaxon, you need to take this call! Miss. Cain is on the mobile phone, hysterical and screaming about her parents’ house being on fire!”

What the fuck? Kalista’s parents’ house is on fire? Why the fuck is she calling me?I don’t have time to deal with this shit; I have to find Stella. “Tell her to call the fire department. Why the fuck is she calling me?” I yell back, turning back into my darkened office.

“Sir, she’s screaming that Stella had her parents house set ablaze.”

I rip the brick-shaped phone from Jake’s hand, and even before I place it up against my ear, I can already hear Kalista screaming and crying. “Kalista, what the fuck is going on? Why are you saying Stella had your parent's house set ablaze?” I demand, losing my patience with this whole mess. Wretched sobs greet my ears, “She left a message Jaxon. She had it burnt into our fucking lawn.” Another sob sounds loud against my ear. “The message says, 'I warned you'.” My stomach feels like a ten-pound bowling ball just landed in it. What the ever-loving fuck is going on here? Why would Stella go after Kalista and set her house on fire? My wife’s insane, but she doesn’t tend to do things without provocation.

“Kalista, why would Stella go after you?” Fear slithers down my back. The image of Kalista yesterday at the gala trying to get me to kiss her, draping her body all over mine, and encouraging me to compromise myself slips into my mind. We were alone, though; no one was in that part of the lobby when it happened, were they? “What did you do, Kalista?” I question through gritted teeth, my jaw locked tight and my grip on the phone punishing. “What did you do, you stupid, fucking, reckless imbecile!”

“You are mine, Jaxon. I…I need you back.” The need to wrap my hands around her neck and strangle her at those words fills me. I amNOTfucking hers, not anymore! Stella is my wife. She is my fucking everything, and whatever this cunt has done, has triggered her. This idiot just baited a master predator and is crying about the fucking consequences. She’s lucky she’s still breathing. She won’t be, though, when I get my hands around her fucking neck.

“WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO, KALISTA!” I yell into the phone, completely losing my control as I make my way to my desk. There’s a pain in my chest spreading like wildfire, and fear is literally trying to strangle me. It can’t be what I’m thinking; she wouldn’t have been as reckless, wouldn’t have had the guts to try something like that. My wife already destroyed her once. My wife who has zero chill and no fucking mercy. The one that is destructive in her fucking rage. Did this imbecile not already learn that firsthand?

“I had a photographer hidden and taking pictures of us…in the lobby.”FUCK!Pictures that would have appeared like I was participating and enjoying myself with my ex-girlfriend, while my very jealous and possessive wife was not present. This idiot has damned both of us to hell! Ah fuck, if she set fire to Kalista’s parent's house, then she is also the one that set fire to my fucking vehicle. She started with fire. Will the world burn at her feet once this is all said and done? Stella is unmanageable and relentless when consumed by rage.

My eye catches on a magazine pinned to the top of my desk by a very familiar blade. “Don’t ever come near me again, Kalista. What we had is over. Whatever Stella does to you, I won’t stop her, and in fact, if she doesn’t kill you, I will.” I end the call and pull the blade handle, releasing the magazine and falling into my seat. Right there in front of me is the means to crash my world down around me.

The photograph on the cover of the gossip rag is of Kalista wrapped around me seductively and kissing my neck, while my hand is braced against her hip and my eyes are at half-mast. I’m giving the appearance that I am a very willing participant enjoying myself and about to fuck her.

The article title is a nail in my coffin and with it I know my little wife is about to serve me a world of pain.



“Anger kills logical thinking and logical thinking kills anger.... the choice is yours” Ketan r Shah

Fourdays.It’s been four fucking miserable days since I saw that magazine cover, and I have spent all of that time scheming and planning. The war I have begun has consumed me day and night.Am I hurt that Jaxon manipulated me with his tailored lies and played me for a fool?I’m beyond crushed; the bitter taste of deceit coats every pore in my body and is a sharp barbed wire in my throat. He played me perfectly just as I let my guard down and thought he had genuine feelings for me. Worse yet, I realize that I have fallen in love with the fucker. The knowledge bringing terror and a sense of helplessness to my soul, instead of joy.

My chest feels like someone has taken an old, rusted, and jagged ice cream scoop and ripped out my heart, one horrendous piece at a time, while laughing as it shatters into splintered fragments of who I thought we were and what our relationship was turning into. We were nothing but a fucking tragedy, a tale of caution to those watching.Oh, woe, the tale of the Stratfords who sought to build an empire yet ended up destroying themselves and each other.

I should have never trusted him. I should have never let him inside my body or my heart. The mistake was mine; I bent too quickly. I gave too much of myself, and he took it all like the greedy and unsatisfied bastard that he is. The betrayal cuts so deep that it is a festering, oozing wound in my chest. One that has me sobbing behind closed doors but the picture of elegance and vengeance to all that are watching. I will not allow anyone to see my weakness, to know firsthand of my destruction at the hands of my callous husband. That would be the final straw that broke me, knowing that the world sees me as weak. Let them picture me as vengeful and spiteful instead; it paints a prettier picture.A woman with a heart made of ice; after all, I am their reigning ice queen.

We weren’t able to stop the publication in time, despite buying the company and firing all the executives. A wasted effort on my part trying to hide the actions of the slimy fucker that I married. A printed retraction was issued within hours, but the damage was done. Both to our image and to my bleeding heart.

The elite held its collective breath waiting for what I would do, and I didn’t bother to disappoint them. Let them worry about my wrath being directed toward them. It will keep them all in line and under my merciless thumb.

Did I have Kalista’s parents' house set on fire,you bet your fucking ass I did. I couldn’t very well set fire to her condo building; the rest of the inhabitants would have perished with her.

Did I have someone blow up my husband’s precious car?Of course, I did; I made it rain fire in front of his eyes.My only regret is the bastard wasn’t sitting in it at the time.

Did I have a billboard placed in every prominent city, in every fucking state, and in all the major cities in Europe with Kalista’s picture calling her a home wrecker?You bet your tits I did. I’m a petty fucking bitch, after all, with billions of dollars at my disposal. She wants to play games with me? Let’s see how she likes it when she becomes one of the most hated women in America and abroad. There is nothing like a woman trying to fuck over another woman to get people’s ire up.
