Page 54 of Rise of a Kingdom

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I watched as the love of my life restrained himself from throwing a dinner knife across the table at my overbearing father in response. My mother and I tried and failed to hide our laughter from the two male idiots in the room. I swear the male toxicity whenever they are near each other is nauseating.

His response was mumbled under his breath, but I still heard it. “Not for the lack of fucking trying.”

While Jaxon has tried to make peace with my father. Even going as far as involving him back in our merged company and asking for his opinion on different business ventures. My father is harder to placate. His stubbornness knows no bounds, and he just can’t seem to forgive Jaxon for Kalista and Jeffrey Cain, and their attempts to kill me.

His relationship with me changed dramatically in the months after the whole ordeal. Gone was the man that wished for a son and only saw his daughter as a chess piece to move across the board. It took killing both River Stanton and Kalista Cain and taking his company away from him for him to finally see me, the real me. The one that is ruthless and will do everything she can to protect what’s hers.

His new understanding and appreciation hasn’t swept all of our past under the rug. I still feel resentment at the memories of every time he raised his hand in anger at my mother and me. The only thing that makes me feel even the slightest retribution is the way my mother has taken charge of their lives. She stopped cowering to my father the same day I killed Kalista. The gun she later pulled on him when he raised his voice at her, helped to show him that she was not weak and afraid of him. Not to mention the realization of who my mother’s “friends” are, but that’s a story for another time.

While I was cleared of all charges, the stain of the deaths could not be so easily wiped from my hands or the minds of the public and the elite that surround us. If they were hesitant and fearful of me before I murdered two of their own, now they are downright terrified of even breathing the same air as I do. My father’s pride swelled with the knowledge of my ruthlessness. Finally, realizing he had everything he ever wanted right there in front of him, in his daughter.

Jaxon the fucker started calling me the “killer ice queen“ whenever we were amongst company to remind them how truly horrifying I am. The name has stuck and now carries with it a weight of warning to those that would risk going against us. Nothing and no one will stop me from protecting myself or my family. I am a Stratford, the top of the food chain, and we do not forgive easily.

The Stratford empire has grown under mine and Jaxon’s combined ministrations over the last two years, becoming even more powerful than it was. In the next ten years, we will have expanded across the world, acquiring companies and assets in every country on the globe. No small feat for two people that were forced into an arranged marriage and had near-death experiences in the first six months of wedded bliss.

Our love too has grown, not only from the passion that we still feel but also from our mutual respect for each other. Jaxon has become my best friend, and I, his. We enjoy every minute that we are together and look eagerly towards our future. Well, that is when he’s not moping around in a pissy ass mood or acting like a deranged possessive nut.

We discussed having children after I left the hospital from my shoulder wound, both of us agreeing that it wasn’t the right time. We were greedy and selfish in our need for each other and not ready to share that with someone else. We also wanted the opportunity to grow our empire before we brought another Stratford into the world. Jaxon left the decision up to me for when we decided to start our family. “It’s your body Stella, and as much as I want to see this tight little body stretch with my child inside of it, it has to be your decision.”

Instead of focusing on kids, we focused on pleasure. Experimenting with what brings us the most intense gratification, where our limits are, and how to bring each other to their knees. Jaxon and I practice hedonism in our own way. We both came to realize quite early on that I enjoy a bit of exhibition, voyeurism, and degradation with my sex, and Jaxon enjoys controlling all of my pleasure and depriving me of my sanity and air. While we don’t actively go out and fuck in public. We have gotten caught in a few compromising situations that have needed greasing of other's hands in order to be made to disappear from the tabloids. After one too many incidents, we started attending private establishments catering to our particular type of kinks and offering exclusivity and of course, discretion.

“Still sulking, Jaxon?” I make my way over to him as he sits back in his oversized leather wing chair in front of a blazing fire.

“Your father’s a fucking dick, Stella. He’ll be lucky if I don’t lose my shit one of these days, and he ends up swallowing that malicious tongue of his.” I watch as he takes a deep sip of amber liquid, his tongue sliding across his full lower lip to lick up a drop that slipped from the cup.Fuck, I want to be that drop.

Desire pools in my core at how handsome he still is. I can never seem to keep my hands off of him. His gaze finally lifts from the fire and meets mine in a slow perusal, starting at my bare feet and legs. To the black nightgown that barely covers my pussy, over the mesh fabric that is tight across my chest, and up my neck sporting his hand necklace from last night, to my face. I watch as he slouches further down in his chair, his eyes heating into twin peaks of silver, and watching as my chest rises and falls with my quickened breath.

I had elaborate plans to take him to our house in the Hamptons this weekend, shackle him to our bed and have my wicked way with him, but now I’m thinking I might have to move up that timeline. My poor baby’s ego is bruised, and his feelings are hurt. A snort leaves my lips at the very thought. That ego is the size of New York State.

I know he has been feeling restless for the last couple of months, although he tries to hide it. Jaxon’s desire for a child has increased, I watch him as he stares longingly at our friends’ children. Of course, my father constantly at his throat about our lack of spawn has started playing havoc with his mind too. It’s one of the reasons I didn’t tell him that I took myself off birth control three months ago. I didn’t want to add any pressure to our already busy lives and figured if it happened, then it was meant to, and if it didn’t, then maybe we needed to look into alternatives.

“Stella, have you come down to let me eat that perfect pussy for my dessert?”

I quickly neutralize my face as I move closer to him in the room, stopping a few feet away from his sexy frame. “Only if you want me to suffocate you with it.”

“Don’t threaten me with a good time, Stella.” He smirks, the light from the fire causing his gray eyes to glow and a look of smugness to cross his features. I take another step closer, and his scent of spicy citrus and musk fills my senses and has me trying to swallow a moan.

He stands from the chair, his glass in his hand, and moves toward me like a graceful panther stalking its prey. His fingers trail down my shoulder, sliding over the mark left from the healed bullet wound before causing the strap of the nightgown to slip down and expose my breast. He repeats the action with the other side until the nightgown is pooled along my chest and barely hanging on. With a quick movement, he slices through the straps with the blade I didn’t even notice was his tight grip. The one he always has hidden on him in case someone tries to hurt us. The silk slips down my body and pools at my feet as he repockets the blade. I almost pout seeing it disappear from sight. I have become very fond of that particular blade making its way across my body.

“Fucking sinful.” He moves around me until I feel his thickness pressing against my ass, and his hand reaches around my body to palm my heavy breast and tug on my hard erect nipple. The sensation of him pulling and rolling the sensitive tip between his thick fingers has bolts of pleasure singing down my spine. His warm breath meets the side of my neck, and his lips drag a blazing path to my ear lobe, where he sucks deeply before finding his way back down my neck and leaving marks along the way. It’s one of his kinks, marking as many places on my body as he can and claiming me as his.As if anyone would be insane enough to try to take me from him.

His hand fists my loose hair, and he pulls tightly, pushing me forward. “Bend and touch your toes, Stella. I want to see my favorite holes gaping for me.” I bend my spine forward, my dark waves cascading down in front of me as I reach for my red-painted toes.

“Fuck.” He growls the word, sounding animalistic as it drops from his lips. Jaxon’s hand skates down my spine, leaving shivers and goosebumps in his wake. His hand grabs one of my ass cheeks tightly as he squeezes it firmly in his grasp, before releasing it and doing the same to the other side. I watch between my parted legs as he lowers himself to his knees, his lips trailing down my spine. He tips up the glass of scotch, and I release a whimper as the cool liquid slithers down my lower back and in between my ass cheeks, and his tongue follows its path, licking it up from my skin.

“Grasp your pretty cheeks, baby and spread them wide for me like the dirty slut you are. I want to lick that pretty cunt and eat that sinful ass.”

I slide my hands slowly up my legs to the back of my thighs and grasp onto my cheeks, pulling them apart as a growl leaves his lips before I feel his breath hot against my center. He licks me from my puckered hole down my weeping slit and to my bundle of nerves just waiting to be teased. His thumb grazes against my tight hole before slipping inside, and I can’t contain the moan that leaves my lips. “Jaxon…Jaxon, oh…my…God.”

“Forget about calling for him, baby. I’m all the God you need.” His tongue slips inside of my pussy at the same time his thumb strokes and moves inside of my ass, making my cheeks clench, and my legs tremble.Jesus, that feels so good.The combination of his dirty words and that masterful tongue will be my undoing if I am not careful.

As much as I want to cum, I also want to play, and teasing Jaxon is one of my favorite things to do. He fucks me with his tongue as he pours the rest of the scotch down my crack and licks me until I’m panting and breathing heavily. The glass drops to the area rug next to us just before a loud crack sounds in the air, and my right ass cheek feels scorching hot. A moan rips from me at the feel of my skin throbbing.

“Do these holes need to be filled by my hard dick, Stella? Do you crave a pounding baby?” A second slap follows quickly to the same cheek, all while he never stops fucking me with his thumb and moves his tongue in and out of my holes. The sensation of being filled in both holes and the pain and heat of the slaps are almost too much for me, and my orgasm starts racing up my spine. I hear him chuckle as he watches my body tense in front of him, aware of my body’s cues.

“Oh no, my little viper. You don’t get to cum yet.”

He pulls back from me, and I almost stumble forward, straightening my body and turning around to stare at him still on his knees before me. His pupils are dilated, his mouth and chin wet from my arousal and a lock of unruly hair messily across his forehead. He is sex personified, a sinful dream, and he’s all mine.
