Page 56 of Rise of a Kingdom

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“Who is this?” I question, trying to keep the affection out of my voice. She meets my gaze with a little fear, but then I watch as she raises her head and pulls back her shoulders. She may be frightened, but she refuses to let me see it. She refuses to cower before me.Good. She will need that spirit in the future. Our enemies are many and would drag her down to hell if she allows them.I am here to ensure they will never get the chance.

My gaze travels over to my son, standing awkwardly to the side with his new bride. He knows very well that he’s on my shit list. Running off and marrying a waitress without even discussing it with his father and me. On top of it, with a waitress that already has a child. The woman, my new daughter-in-law, won’t meet my gaze, and it makes irritation slide up my spine and my hands clench at my side. I can see what attracted my son to her. She’s beautiful, her body slim and well proportioned, and her long dark hair an enticing feature. Unfortunately for us, she is weak and not a true Stratford. I can already see it in her demeanor. She will always cower to me or anyone else with strength. So unlike the little version of her standing before me, the daughter has obviously not inherited her strength from her mother.

That won’t do, though. We are Stratfords, we fear no one. I will have to keep an eye on her. I am not convinced that this is a perfect love match, as my son claims. Although she readily signed the prenup and adoption papers that Jared presented her with before getting married at some backward little southern town’s city hall. Imagine that, a Stratford, getting married before a justice of the peace with only county clerks as witnesses. I have no doubt my dearly departed mother is rolling in her grave right now. I was livid when I discovered what he had done, but the deed is now done, and we have to move forward, even if it is with care. Before me stands the new Mrs. Jared Stratford. She may bear my son’s name, but she will not lead my legacy. No, these two little girls will.

I have had investigators digging into Catherine’s past. She has lived a hard life, one of sacrifice and pain. She was left all alone to raise that child without any assistance, while the father served time for horrific crimes. Ones that I cannot even envision her and her daughter surviving, but here she is, alive and married to my son. From the sounds of the reports, she is a hard worker, doing all she could to keep a roof over both of their heads. Now that they are both Stratfords, they will never want for anything ever again. I will make sure of it, just like I will assure that the child grows up from here on under my tutelage to guarantee she survives the perils in her new world.

I meet my handsome son’s eyes, ones that are identical to his father's, and love fills me. For a moment, my resolve weakens to be dissatisfied with his behavior and actions. He, too, has been dealt a harsh hand by fate. Losing his first wife within three years of marriage and leaving him a widower and a single father. I understand his need to find someone to share his life with and bring him happiness. If Catherine is that woman, then so be it. I will attempt to be civil to her and welcome her into the Stratford fold. The one thing his spontaneous actions have brought me that I welcome readily is another granddaughter.

My inability to give Jaxon more than one child has always plagued my heart, and then to have my own child only have one as well has always brought me heartache. I always wanted a house full of Stratford children, ones we could leave this vast empire to. If I am being honest with myself, I always wanted a daughter and lots of granddaughters. Women I could shape and teach how to navigate this world and the empire I have helped build.

It looks like some divine being up there was listening, as before me are two little women that will rule long after I am gone. Ensuring that the Stratford name continues for years to come and that the Stratford strength will be felt for eons.

“Amelia…Ham…Amelia Hamilton.” The little voice responds, at first low and unsure but then stronger.

“Wrong.” I return my gaze to her and meet her beautiful eyes, ones that remind me of the Caribbean Ocean. I hope that they are deceptively beautiful, just like that ocean, and behind their stunning beauty hides peril.

I watch as anger momentarily crosses her features, her nose flaring and her jaw tensing.Hmm, we will need to work on that. She will need to learn how to hide her emotions from those that would seek to manipulate her.

“What do you mean? That’s my name!”

“No, it is not. That person no longer exists. Amelia Hamilton has disappeared, never to be heard from again. Do you understand me, young lady? Your name is Mia Stratford. You are a Stratford now.” I bend down until my face is inches from hers, meeting her fierce eyes filled with fear and distrust. I sense confusion in her little mind, fighting against the knowledge that my son has adopted her, and that her name has been changed to prevent predators from searching her out and causing her harm.

“From this moment forward, you are Mia Stratford, a Manhattan princess, and my heir. With that comes responsibilities, Mia.” I gently reach out a tentative hand to her jaw, taking it in my grasp. “Let me make it clear to you, child. You are not of my blood, but you will be of my heart. I am your grandmother, and you are a Stratford.” I meet her wide eyes.

I know she was bullied back in that shitty backward town that she came from. I heard all about what those wealthy sons of tyrants put this child through. I am determined to build her strength so that one day she can avenge herself on her enemies. I will ensure she has all the power she could ever need to destroy their worlds down to the last stone. A Stratford never forgets and always demands her pound of flesh.

“You are a Stratford now, and no one will ever hurt you again. You have my promise.”

The end.
