Page 7 of Paw Letter Word

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“Damn!” Mila frowned, digging through her purse as she waited to board the plane to Ashland. “Second time today. I guess I really …” Something clattered as it slammed to the floor. She sighed. “Need to stop stalking this guy.”

She had still yet to find any information on this man or the details of the company and position, but she figured she would glean the man’s character soon enough. After all, she was on the way to their interview.

Fortunately, in regard to this opportunity, she was in luck. She still miraculously remained off the work schedule, leaving her enough time to take Gerri up on the offer.

“I guess my boss has finally found time for my vacation,” Mila remarked as Gerri walked beside her, a bag slung on her arm. Who shopped in an airport? “Looks like my job forgot about me for a while.”

Gerri laughed. “Things usually work out the way they are meant to.” Gerri shot Mila a wink.

Mila cocked her head to the side and wrinkled her nose. She briefly wondered if there was a deeper meaning behind this statement. Did the woman do something to keep her name off the schedule?No, don’t be ridiculous,she chastised herself.

Gerri sensed Mila’s indecision and continued. “Don’t worry, honey. If it is meant to be, it will be. I believe this will go off without a hitch.”

Mila was not convinced, and Gerri’s eyes gleamed. Gerri seemed to be amused by Mila’s behavior. “If it makes you feel easier, this could be a trial scenario, so you won’t need to quit your current position just yet. However, I feel fully confident that you will love this opportunity and that he will love you. In my opinion, it would be safe to quit your job now.”

Mila nodded carefully, still nervous.I’ll go ahead and hold onto my job for now, just in case.

* * *

“It’s beautiful here,”Mila whispered as she watched Ashland come into view beneath the descending plane. A small town surrounded by gorgeous land … Maybe this could be a more permanent position.

“Wait until you see the rest of the town.” Gerri leaned toward her with an excited grin. “It’s even better up close.”

Mila wasn’t sure how true that would be, but after they deplaned and loaded into the car Gerri had arranged for them, Mila learned how right Gerri was. Driving through the trees toward the town was stunning, and the views only got better.

“So,” Gerri cut through her thoughts, “we are obviously at the main airport, but down at the end of the runway is where they would store the private planes. You would obviously be frequenting there.”

She turned and pointed. “Just down this way would be the main office for Bechtel Tech. Though Cyrus might do a lot of his personal work at his home office. That’s where we are headed right now.”

Mila nodded, trying to soak up all the information. She kept telling herself this was just an interview. She didn’t know if she even wanted the job, but the location alone was winning her over.

Would the man?

She couldn’t get the images she had found yesterday of Cyrus Bechtel out of her head. He definitely had style and class. To be the head of a multi-billion-dollar company at the young age of thirty was impressive, to say the least.

“We’re here.”

Mila snapped back to attention as they rounded the curve of a long driveway, revealing a massive mansion. If Mila was impressed by the town, she was floored by the mansion.

“He lives here?” she asked as they pulled up in front.How can this be someone’s house?

Mila took in the beautiful baroque architecture and wondered what it would be like to live in such splendor.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” The driver pulled the door open for Gerri. “He has good taste.” She gave Mila a wink.

As they walked in, Mila soaked in the decor. The giant windows had heavy drapes with flourished detail curling around them, and it felt something like a lodge at a ski resort. She could just imagine the freshly fallen snow on the spires and steep rooftops.

The first floor was definitely more rustic, perhaps due to weather, but the building became more ornate as it rose into the sky. It felt like a castle, the golden accents and fine art everywhere.

The click of shoes against the marble floors drew her attention. She turned to see a well-dressed young man approaching her. He had kind eyes and bowed to her.

“Miss Dillon? My name is Luca. Pleased to receive you. If you and Ms. Wilder will just follow me.”

Mila’s throat went dry at the display of formality, making her feel even more out of place, but the young man turned and headed back toward the door. Gerri was halfway up the stairs before Mila had even begun to follow Luca, and she had to force herself to focus.

“Right this way.”
