Page 14 of Star Season

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When I turned back, he’d gotten half the animal off the road and he was walking back towards the speeder. “Come on,” he said.

“But, the rest of it—”

“We can get around the rest of it,” he said.

Oh, of course. I climbed back up into the speeder, and I felt gross from where I’d touched the dead animal’s leg. Did I smell like it? I sniffed, trying not to let on that was what I was doing.

He noticed anyway and laughed at me.

I glowered at him.

“We’ll camp up near the bend in the river,” he said. “You can take a nice bath and wash away anything you got on yourself.”

“A bath in a river?” I blinked at him.

He laughed again. “Or not.”

“Well, it’s not time to camp yet,” I said. “Right?”

“No, we’re not even close to the river,” he said.

And then we settled into silence again.



I was monitoring myself so much for signs that my suppressant was working or that it wasn’t that I couldn’t tell. I’d think to myself that it must be working, because I was fine, and then she’d shift in the speeder and I’d get flooded with her scent, and my pleasure cock would get all excited and I’d realize I was still definitely affected.

But was it worse than before or just the same?

I kept trying to convince myself it wasn’t worse.

But I worried that it was, and so that made me more attuned to every little sensation I felt.

When we finally stopped to camp, I was glad, because at least I’d have other things to focus on besides her and the way she was affecting me. I even decided that we should have food, real food, not just those ration bars, because that would give me something to do.

I could have brought a blaster with me, but I didn’t tend to carry them, as a general rule. A blaster would be too loud, and besides, I didn’t like to scorch perfectly good bits of meat with the thing. We wanted something small to eat, like a bird, and there was no reason to waste half of it with a blaster.

So, instead, I had a bolts and bow, and I got that out of the speeder.

Cypra saw me climbing down with it, and she was wary, but I explained to her it was just for dinner.

“You can go and wash in the river, if you want,” I said. “That way, I won’t be near you. Safer that way.”

“Well, depending on your perspective,” she said.

“Look, you see a vvoln, just yell,” I said. “I’ll be close. I’ll come right back.”

She shook her head. “I’ve seen this holovid, okay, and I’m not going to be that dumb girl who takes all her clothes off in the woods.”

My pleasure cock twitched. “I figured, uh, you bathe first, and I hunt, and then while the food is cooking, I would bathe. So, we’re both going to be dumb, and it’s going to be fine. I come out here all the time.”

“You go on and on about those predators, and it’s fine?”

“Well,I’mgoing in the river before we bed down in the speeder,” I said.

“I’ll do it when you do it,” she said, lifting her chin.

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