Page 15 of Star Season

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My mouth was dry. “That seems…”

“I know, but it’s dark, and I’m way more afraid of having my insides eaten out like that jurrn than I am of you, you know, forcing me to have an orgasm with your arousal protuberance.”

My pleasure cock swelled. “Well,” I muttered, “someone’s been doing some reading.”

She folded her arms over her chest.

“You can get naked while I’m there to protect you, shei.” I took off into the woods, taking my weapon. “Hunting now.”

“I’ll just stay in the speeder, then,” she called after me.

“Great,” I called back.

In the woods, I stared up at the tree branches crisscrossing against the starry sky and tried to figure out what the fuck I was even doing out here.

It didn’t make any sense.

I had every reason not to be out there with her. Taking her out to this ship of hers was dangerous on three different levels. First, we could be eaten by vvoln. Second, I could force myself on her. Third, she was with the resistance, and if anyone found out I helped the resistance, that wasn’t going to be good.

I wasn’t thinking clearly, which was an obvious sign that the mating instinct in me had taken over to a dangerous degree.

Overhead, a set of dark wings blocked out the sky.

I lifted the bow and fitted a bolt to the notch on it. Pulling back the string, I sighted the bird and let the bolt fly.

It hit home.

The bird plummeted.

I went to catch it.

The bird fell, but it got stuck on a set of branches and leaves overhead. I swung up into the tree—my hooves were better at climbing than other species always seemed to think they would be—and snatched down the bird.

Then I went back to the speeder.

I set up a small cook fire, cleaned the bird, slid it onto a spit, and left it to slowly roast over the flame.

Then I climbed up to the speeder and banged on her window.

She opened it.

“Ready to take your clothes off?” I raised my eyebrows.

She huffed. “You don’t have to be awful about it. You’re making fun of me, but you’ve spent all this time trying to convince me it’s actually dangerous, and I don’t think I’m being unreasonable.”

I didn’t answer that. I wasn’t making fun of her. I was annoyed with her because she was insisting on making this harder for me, that was all. Didn’t she get that if I was aroused, I was going to be less effective at taking down vvoln? I climbed down off the speeder.

She came down too.

I walked to the river, glancing over my shoulder now and again to make sure she was coming.

The trees gave way at the bank of the river, though some of their branches hung over, vines dripping off of them in the darkness. The river itself was wide and gleaming, broken here and there by smooth stones. The water moved over them, not too swiftly. It reflected back the brightness of the stars overhead.

I stepped in. Ah, that was nice. It was cool and refreshing. “I’ll just wade out here and keep my back turned, all right?”

“Okay,” she said, letting out a little breath. She still sounded freaked out.

I waded further into the water. It came about up to my waist, but I ducked down, letting it cover my shoulders. I ducked my head backwards, dunking my antlers, my hair.
