Page 18 of Star Season

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I turned.

Oh. The vvoln had stopped drinking and was sniffing the air, looking around, wary.

“Stars,” she said, a whisper, but too loud.

“Shh,” I said.

She cringed.

The vvoln started for us.

I stayed still, willing her to stay still, willing us to disappear. It wasn’t moving quickly, and it was just being exploratory, so it might be fine. On the other hand, if it came too close and scented us, especially with the musk of our arousal in the air, it might decide we were easy prey and charge us.

And if that was the case, I was not equipped to take on a vvoln in a full-on charge. I didn’t have any weapons on me, none.

Idiot, what is wrong with you?

That wasn’t like me.

The vvoln halted. It sniffed the air, facing us, its body visible through layers of leaves and vegetation, maybe the length of two of me stretched out away from us both.

I willed it to go away. To turn back to the water and forget about us.

It started into the underbrush, thrusting aside branches with its tusks.

Lose me in deep space. I backed away from Cypra.

My pleasure cock was fully engorged, justthere, but I couldn’t worry about her seeing me. Besides, I’d seen all of her secret parts, right? If I wanted to look again, I could turn back and feast my eyes.

I didn’t.

I crouched down, head first, and I started for the vvoln.

The vvoln thrust aside another bit of vegetation.

I waited until its head jerked up with the movement of using its tusks, waited until its throat was exposed.

And then I pounced, leaping forward.

My antlers punctured the exposed throat of the beast, going all the way in, blood spurting.

It let out a high-pitched noise of surprise and pain.

I drove my antlers deeper, shutting itup.

The vvoln twitched wildly, striking out with its claws—one of them got my shoulder, three deep gouges into my skin. It undulated and writhed and then went still.

“Oh stars,” breathed Cypra.

I was out of breath. This was hurting my neck. My antlers were too far in to pull out on their own, so I had to use my hooves for leverage, holding the vvoln carcass away while I extricated myself.

I straightened.

Cypra was cowering against the tree. She had the towel still, somehow, and she was holding it in front of her, bunching it up, covering most of her breasts with her arms, the towel hanging down to cover the juncture of her thighs. But she was all uncovered and pressed together and rounded and juicy andenticing.

My whole body jolted. My pleasure cock throbbed.

And deep inside the cavity of my pelvis, I felt something else, something I’d never felt before, something in there, waking up, and it feltgood.

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