Page 19 of Star Season

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I let out a little whimper.

“You k-killed it with your antlers,” said Cypra, as if this needed narration.

“I wouldn’t have,” I said. “It’s only… if it had decided to attack us, I’d be no match for it, and I couldn’t let anything happen to you, so Ihadto.”

“No, I agree. You did.” She nodded ferociously.

“If it had just been me, if I hadn’t been distracted, I could have evaded it.”

“It’s okay,” she said. Her voice was very small. “Isn’t it?”

“Uh… they travel in packs,” I said. “Family groups, actually. A mated pair will have offspring every cycle, and the children stay with their parents for a long time, sometimes five or six cycles after they’re full grown, so the packs can be… there can be a lot of vvoln all together. And they’re vicious when they…” I grimaced. “So, when her pack finds her?”

“It’s a female?” she said.

I nodded.

“That’s the mama?”

“Could be. Or could be a daughter. Either way, they’re not going to be pleased when they find her killed. They’ll come for us.”

“So… like revenge?”

I shrugged.

“They’re that smart?” Her voice was growing panicked.

“Well… I don’t know. They’ll react. They’ll scent us. They’ll follow the scent. They’ll attack. They might have attacked us anyway, no matter what? No way to know. But they wouldn’t have been provoked in the first place if I hadn’t done it, so…” I shrugged again. “We can’t stay here and sleep anymore. We need to move the speeder.”

“Oh,” she breathed. “Oh.”

Her breath made her chest rise and fall, made her breasts rise and fall, made them move in interesting ways, and my gaze settled there and my pleasure cock shuddered.

“Holston,” she snapped, fury in her voice.

I lifted my gaze. “Sorry,” I muttered. “I’m going to get your clothes.” I went around the vvoln carcass and through the underbrush back to the river. I washed my bloody antlers off and washed the gouges in my shoulder, and then I grabbed her clothes, which were hanging over a tree branch. I gathered them up and started to go back for her.

But she was right there. She’d followed me. She was wrapped up in the towel now, but it was way too small and didn’t cover much of anything and—

I turned away from her, holding out the clothes.

She snatched them away.

I struggled to tuck my pleasure cock back under my fur.

“So, your, um, your suppressants don’t seem to be working.” Her voice had a shrill edge.

“Not really, no,” I said.

“Is your shoulder okay?”

“I’ll be fine,” I muttered. “Are you dressed yet?”


It was quiet.

I stood there, with my back to her, until she indicated she was dressed. Then I turned around and I led the way back to the place where the fire was set up. I turned the bird. I threw myself down on the ground next to the fire and began rummaging through a pack I had out here for some bandages.
