Page 21 of Star Season

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She let out another bitter laugh.

We were quiet.

“How long until the food is cooked?” she said in a sulky voice.

“Not too long now,” I said.



Well, he’d seen me naked now. Looked me over real good, gotten an eyeful. And then we’d been all smushed together against that tree, and his chest had been warm and the feeling of his smooth skin and his crinkly chest hair against my breasts had been kind of amazing, not going to lie.

And then that… that arousal protuberance, whatever it was, it was like a tongue.

I mean, it wasn’t wet like a tongue, but it was long and flat, with a rounded edge, and it was flexible, and it could move, and it had molded itself around my labia, and then parted it and a little bit of it had pressed softly in to kiss my clit, and—


But that had been all kinds of confusing, what with my being terrified for my life while it was happening. The vvoln were very scary up close.

Then he’d killed the vvoln.

Without a weapon, just with his body.

And that was… I mean…hot.

Gross and bloody and terrifying also, though.

It was all very confusing.

That was probably why I spent the rest of the evening snapping at him. I was confused and frustrated, and my body was all worked up, and I didn’t know what to do with myself.

The bird he roasted was actually really delicious. It was crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside. It was seasoned only with a bit of salt that he’d brought in one of his packs, but that simplicity seemed to make it even more delicious.

Or maybe food tasted better after an adrenaline-producing event like that.

I wasn’t sure.

After we ate, we packed up all the stuff he’d set out for the fire, which wasn’t much actually, climbed back in the speeder, and then we drove off.

In the distance, we heard a chorus of wailing noises.

He grimaced. “That’s her pack. They’ve found her. We got out of there just in time.”

But then he didn’t drive very far, at least I didn’t think so, before he stopped the speeder again.

I protested that we should move further along, but he said that we had definitely thrown off the scent, and we were fine. Then he curled up on his side of the speeder, tucking a rolled up blanket under his head and pressing his forehead and antlers into the side of the vehicle, and yawned. He shut his eyes.

So, this was how we were going to sleep?

Sitting up in this speeder?

Of course he’d think that I could sleep that way, but there was no way. I was still very keyed up over everything that had happened, and it was hot in the speeder, and it was not the least bit comfortable.

I was going to be awake all night.

He, on the other hand, seemed to drift off right away. His whole body relaxed and his breathing went even and his face looked relaxed and young and innocent over there, and I hated him.
