Page 22 of Star Season

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I made lots of noise trying to dig out something to use as a pillow. I was gratified when he woke up enough to grunt and open his eyes in slits. But he looked at me tucking the other folded up blanket under my head, mimicking the way he’d curled up on my side of the speeder, and he shut his eyes again.

I shut my eyes too, thinking that I would never be able to sleep, never.

But when I woke up, some time had passed. It was just hard to say how long, because it was still dark out—constantly dark. I sat up.

I really, really had to pee.

He was still asleep. His mouth was open and his legs were open, and the, um, the arousal protuberance had come out, but it was just lying there against his leg, soft and small.

I cocked my head at it, but I really couldn’t be too interested in it, because of the frantic call of nature I was experiencing here.

I was going to have to deal with this.

I sat up and stretched. I tried to have a talk with my bladder that maybe it could hold off a bit?

Nope, wasn’t having it. Needed draining.

I glanced at him. How didhepee? If his penis was tucked up inside his body like what I’d read on my bracelet and it wasn’t going to come out unless he was riding his mating instinct, then that seemed like a problem for the endocrine system. Maybe that thing there, the protuberance, maybe it was responsible for urination. It did seem to have a little vein up the middle of it, and maybe there was a slit—

Okay, gross.

I didn’t need to think about this.

I opened the door to the speeder and climbed down out of it.

Once on the ground, I debated. Should I pee here? What if that was, like, scenting too close to our speeder? What if that would bring that vvoln pack to us?

On the other hand, I didn’t want to go too far off on my own into the woods.

I settled for on the other side of a large tree. I relieved myself as quickly as possible and then headed back for the speeder.

In the distance, I heard the wailing of the vvoln pack, and it sent shivers up my spine. My whole body was alight with that.

I wanted to run, but it seemed to make me freeze.

I stopped, looking around, searching high and low for any sign of danger. All I could see was darkness, foliage colored silvery in the light of the stars, shadows of leaves and trees and black emptiness pooling everywhere—so many places that something furry and clawed could be hiding, ready to spring out.

My heart beat fast.

I shot forward, running for the speeder.


There. Out of the corner of my eye.

I didn’t stop to see what it was. I ran faster. I reached the ladder and hauled myself up.

Then I glanced down, and I saw a pair of antlers rushing through the foliage beneath me.

“Holston?” I called.

The antlers lifted, and a face appeared. It was not Holston. It was another man down there. He looked up at me with widening eyes and then he sniffed the air, jerked his head in another direction, and took off again.

I hurried up the rest of the ladder and yanked the door open.

Holston woke at once, sitting up straight. “Cypra,” he said in a sleep-ravaged voice.

“There’s someone down there,” I said.
