Page 23 of Star Season

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He leaned forward. “Vvoln found us?”

“No, another donen,” I said. “I saw a donen man with antlers.”

Holston furrowed his brow. “No one comes up here during Star Season. Barely anyone comes up here at all, actually.”


Holston opened the door and swung down onto the ladder. He climbed down.

I poked my head out and peered after him. I pointed. “He was over there.”

Holston went to investigate. “Nothing here now,” he said. “But there is a scent.” His nostrils flared and his back stiffened.

Suddenly, Holston turned and ran for the ladder to the speeder. He climbed up it quickly, so fast he was practically a blur.

He hurled himself into the speeder with me and he crawled over the seat for me.

I flattened myself against the side of the speeder. “Holston?” I whispered.

“You should probably get out,” he said in a strained voice.

“Get out?” I said. “Go back down there?”

“He scented like… competition.”

“Competition for what?”

“For your cunt,” he growled.

This went through me in a ripple of something horrifying and yet pleasant, and I let out a noisy breath.

“Get away from me,” Holston said, still growling.

I turned, trying the door to the speeder.

Holston seized me by the hips and yanked me back against his body.

I… I meant to open the speeder door. I think I meant to.

His fingers wormed over my clothes, no finesse, squeezing me, digging in his fingers, but he somehow got the eazclasp of my pants to release and he yanked them down, exposing my bare ass to him.

I gasped.

He grunted.

His hands were big. They spanned both sides of my hips, his thumbs digging into the swell of my ass, his fingers pressing into my thighs. He rearranged me, pulling my ass back to settle against his crotch and his, um, his protuberance wormed between my legs.

I let out a high pitched noise.

“Fuck,” he managed in a mangled voice.

His protuberance was flattening against my labia again, parting them, and it was moving, undulating, little movements going through it like waves over the surface of water.

I moaned. “Good,” I said.

“Yeah,” he said. “You’re so warm and wet and—” He went still, digging his fingers further into me. “No, fuck, no, I amnotgoing to—”

I cut him off with another moan. His body had latched onto my clit, molding its way around me there and now the little waves were concentrated there, starting at the edges and traveling inward, right to my center, in a perfect, wondrous pattern that felt like sheer bliss.
