Page 50 of Star Season

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I struggled against him.

He pressed his full weight onto me, and he seized my wrists and forced them up over my head. He pried the blaster out of my hands and tossed it off into the darkness.

I screamed.

The donen held onto both of my hands with one of his.

I tried to pull free, but he was too strong. I writhed, trying to buck him off with my body, trying to get a leg free, a foot, a knee, something.

His other hand went to the eazclasp of my pants. It parted. He tugged.

I screamed again. I was livid. I was nothing but anger. This was nothappening.

I brought my head up into his face, driving my skull into his chin.

He shrieked.

Pain blossomed into my head. I cried out, tears streaming down my face.

And he was still holdingontome. That hadn’t even made him loosen his grip.

He hit me.

An open handed slap across my face. Ithurt.

I gasped up at him, quivering, terrified, despair blooming up from the depths of my body.

New plan,I was thinking frantically.New plan, stay still, play dead. Maybe he’ll just… just…


Oh, stars, how easily I was subdued. How easily the fight went out of me.

It’s fine,I thought fiercely.So, he fucks you, big fucking deal, you can deal with it. Look at the stars, just look up at the stars and think of something else.

I let out a shaking breath and did exactly that.

But the second donen man yanked the third donen off of me.

I was too stunned to react.

The second donen man wrapped an arm around the third donen man’s neck and twisted.

There was a crack.

I let out a gasp, and I sat up.

The second donen man tossed aside the corpse of the other man and came for me.


I was frozen.

It was stupid. I knew it was stupid. I knew it, and yet I couldn’t—

His hand tangled in my hair and he yanked my head back.

I tried to make noise, but nothing came out. I was shaking all over.
