Page 65 of Star Season

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He shrugged. “I have no idea about that.”

I looked down at my bracelet ruefully. “You don’t realize how much you miss the networks until you can’t reach them.”

He chuckled. “I’m used to it, I guess.” He was always up here, hunting things, living in the woods.

It was true that there wasn’t any kind of future for us, even if I did… even if I was… well, itwaschemicals, but even if it wasn’t, there was no way we could make a life together. We were independent sorts of people. He had his hunting thing. I had the resistance. He’d even tried to equate them that one time around the fire. I didn’t think hunting was anything remotely like what I did, but it was important to him.

I went into the corridor and headed for the sick bay.

I couldn’t help but indulge in a stupid fantasy of us meeting up now and again. Maybe once every few gemoons, we could figure out a way to see each other, to be together…

But that was dumb.

He wouldn’t even want me. He only wanted me because of his biological mating needs, and if we did hook up, he’d be on suppressants, and he wouldn’t even have a cock—

Well, that pleasure cock of his…


Stop thinking about this, Cypra,I urged myself.

When I got to the sick bay, the Abbunian woman was gone.



I scrambled back on the bed, holding up both hands. “Don’t shoot!”

The Abbunian woman from the sick bay lowered her blaster. “You’re not Grilin.”

“No,” I said. “My name’s Holston, and—”

“You’re a donen, though.”

“You’re on a planet of donens,” I said.

She narrowed her eyes at me, lifting the blaster again.

I stiffened. “Please, I’m not trying to hurt you. I swear, I have no intention of that.”

“What are you doing on this ship?”

“I’m the guide,” I said.

“The guide?”

“You’re with the resistance, right? They sent someone after you, but she couldn’t get up here on her own, and she hired me to get her up here.”

The Abbunian regarded me.

“Uh, what’s your name?” I said.

She gestured with the blaster. “So, where is this other person, then?”

“She went to check on you in the sick bay,” I said. “Her name is Cypra. She’s human.”

The Abbunian looked me over, gaze settling on my genitals. She raised her eyebrows.
