Page 7 of Star Season

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I never thought about it.

I was belaboring this point, but she….

The way shesmelled…


I sat there, nursing my drink and feeling uncomfortably aroused, my pleasure cock twitching away under my fur every time I thought about her. I kept having to sort of rearrange myself because it was trying to nudge itself out.


People came over and tried to talk to me, but I just shook my head at them and told them I wasn’t up to conversation at the time. I wasn’t exactly what you’d call a social person. I did see people but I’d often go out and live in the wild, no other person around at all, and be out there, just living off the land for gemoons. So, people were used to my crotchety behavior and they cleared out, thinking I was just being me.

I kept thinking my stupid pleasure cock was going to godown. And that then I could get up and walk out easily, without worrying that it was going to be peeking out and that I was going to be indecent.

I kept thinking that I’d stop scenting like a horny gratts, and then I could get closer to people.

Neither of these happened, so eventually, I skulked out of the bar.

I scented the human girl.

I knew it was stupid to follow the scent. I knew it was probably also creepy, possibly even criminal. What did I think I was going to do? Track her to wherever she was sleeping? Watch her through the window? Sneak inside to get closer? Nah, maybe I’d do the super classy thing and just crouch somewhere in the shadows and rub one out while I was close to her scent. That wasn’t positivelydisgusting.


I knew men did things like that. Usually not donen men, but men of other species, and I’d always thought it was gross and baffling, and now I entirely understood it, entirely.

I’d been around humans before.

Never a woman, admittedly.

I wondered if everyone was reacting to her this way. She said she’d talked to some other potential guides. What if she went back to one of them? What if he agreed to take her up to the pole?

I sucked in a breath at that.

So, I’m possessive of her, too?


I was terrified. I was out of control, and I’d never felt like this in my entire life, never. I knew that the intelligent thing to do would be to turn around, go home, scrub her scent off in the shower, take a sleeping pill, and forget all about that human woman.

There was a spirit in our mythology, a woman-shaped thing who also had antlers—I don’t know what that was about, to be honest, but I found it kind of hot, and I didn’t know if that meant I had latent homosexual desires, which I knew I was supposed to be cool with but which always gave me this prick of something like a rush of hot fear, right up my spine, something I couldn’t fight, something that maybe made the whole thing hotter, disturbingly—and the spirit would lure unsuspecting men out of their homes and away from their families, typically to their death.

She was called an ulin.

That’s what this human was. An ulin sent todestroyme by the mischievous, ancient spirits of the land.

Yeah, I didn’t believe in any of that, of course, but I really should stay away from her.

I told myself this the whole time I was following her scent, all the way until I was at the string of little bungalows, even when I got right up on the one that smelled like her.

But before I could look in the window or go off somewhere and start playing with myself like some kind of criminal deviant, I made myself go to her door, and I banged on it.

She opened it, and she was less clothed than the last time, in this little dress-shirt thing that didn’t even reach her knees. She peered at me with her smooth, pale skin and her jet black hair, which she had cut short, as was the style, but which fringed out over her forehead, shimmering in the lights. “Oh, stars, it’s you. I thought you were someone who worked here, coming to ask about the fan and I was going to say it’s working again, and I was…” Her words trailed off. “You want to come inside?”

Come inside?She justsaidthat. Great. My pleasure cock heard that.

