Page 76 of Star Season

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But when we left the spaceport, he went off to talk to the local authorities, and I went to find a nearby hotel room.

I got settled in, paying for the room with credits that were still in my account for this mission, put there by the resistance.

First thing I did was to take a real honest-to-goodness shower. I’d gotten clean on the ship, but there hadn’t been water reserves, so I’d had to take one of the forced air showers, which worked, I guess. But water showers were much more pleasurable, I thought.

I let the jets of water wash over me, and then I wrapped up in the provided robe from the hotel and sprawled out on the bed.

I checked my bracelet, but I’d had no communication from Sienne yet.

I wondered if I should contact her.

Then I got a message from Holston.This is taking longer than I thought it would.

I had to laugh.How long did you think it would take?

I don’t know. Not this long. They’re making me wait while they call in one of the PWIs. Apparently, they’ve been trying to nab these guys for a while.

PWI stood for planetary-wide investigators.Good thing you’re there to help.

I’d rather be with you.

I grinned.I’ll be here when you’re done.Then I typed in the information about the hotel and what room I was in, so that he could come straight here when he was done there.

We chatted a little longer, and then he had to go.

I made food for myself in the replicator. I figured I could make some for him when he got here. The replicator wasn’t too fancy. It had a few presets, mostly simple fare. If you wanted anything better, you’d have to go down to the lobby and pay for the ones in the hotel eatery.

But Holston showed up while I was eating.

I let him in to the room and he pulled me into his arms, and I grinned up at him, giddy at the sight of him, the scent of him, the feel of him.

“I missed you like crazy,” he growled in my ear, and I shivered.

We kissed and kissed.

He pulled back. “You’re eating?”

“Um, I can program the replicator for you?” I gestured, giving him a grin and waggling my eyebrows.

He laughed. “Is it one of the standard ones? Like five options?”

“Mmm,” I said. “Admittedly, it’s not fresh meat cooked over an open flame, but it’s what I’m capable of.”

He kissed my forehead. “I’ll do it. You finish eating.”

I went back to the table where I’d been eating and he bent over the replicator and joined me in a hidosec.

“So, I told them the coordinates for the corpses that we knew about, and I reported everything that we saw. Apparently, this is not the first they’ve heard of this,” he said. “Two women managed to get away, one last gecycle and one two gecycles before that.”

“They’ve been doing this for gecycles?”

“Yeah,” he said. “They’re not a cult. Well, they are, but it’s not like a spiritual thing. They think they’re getting in touch with nature or something. It’s this real stripped-down, back-to-the-wild thing.”

“Like you?”

“Nothing like me.” He gave me a withering look and he ate some of the food in his bowl. It was some kind of noodles with a brown sauce and some veggies. It must have been one of the Ohkkian meals which I hadn’t recognized.

I snickered.
