Page 85 of Star Season

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I couldn’t even think what it probably meant.

I managed to somehow keep him from coming inside me after it came out. I distracted him with blow jobs. I told him it would make me hot if he’d jack off on my tits, and he was happy enough to oblige.

I knew it was bad, because if my implant came out, I should immediately get my period.

I didn’t.

I knew I should go see someone, get a test, do something.

I knew that.

But I didn’t doanything.

It was embarrassing, really. It was entirely, completely, totally, and in every other way irrational. It was dumb. It was irresponsible. It was not even like me. I wasn’t like this. I didn’t run from things. I didn’t hide from stuff. I faced things head on.

I mean.

I thought I did.

Anyway, Holston got his injection, and it worked right away, within hihors. His cock was gone, and he was wandering around without pants, seemingly happy. He was in the middle of resistance training, going through things like common override codes that we all had to memorize. It was like school, and he had to drill every night.

The first night when his mating cock was gone, we messed around and had sex with his pleasure cock.

I felt like it was… different, but I figured it was me, because I was all freaked out and hiding from my implant issues. Plus, my body was probably, um… changing.


I wasnotgoing to think that.

The next night, I tried to initiate something, and his pleasure cock didn’t really get engorged.

He stretched, next to me in the bed. “Sometimes it doesn’t rise to the occasion,” he said, grinning. “I can use my mouth, if you want.”

“No, it’s fine,” I said. “I’m actually tired.”

“You sure?”

I yawned pointedly, a big, fake yawn. He didn’t notice that it was fake or he pretended he didn’t notice. I wasn’t sure which. “Totally sure.”

“All right, good,” he said. “We can just snuggle.”

“Yeah,” I said, snuggling in to him.

A fogemoon passed. We had sex a few times, and each time, it felt different, not as intense, and that sensation I’d had before with him, of the two of us feeling incredibly connected, like we were spilling into each other? I didn’t really feel it.

But… I don’t know. It didn’t bother me, exactly. I didn’t even think about it, because I was too busy trying not to think about whatever was going on with the fact that my implant had been faulty for stars knew how long.

And we both ended up being really uncomfortable sleeping together on the one narrow bed, so he started taking the top bunk, and that just seemed to make sense.

Another fogemoon passed. He was having trouble with the training, with passing the tests. He was frustrated. He said he was good at remembering things, but not really good with memorizing strings of numbers.

I tried to help him think up little mnemonics to help jog his memory, which worked for me, but it didn’t work for him.

And I started feeling sick to my stomach in the mornings.

I never threw up, but I’d wake up and go and retch over and over, trying hard to bring something up, and Iknew…

And I still didn’t say anything.
