Page 9 of Star Season

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“No, I’m acclimated,” she said. “I’ve been looking for you for at least seven of these planet’s days, and I am tired now, but—”

“We should go once the sun comes up,” I said. “You should sleep at my place.”

Her eyebrows shot up.

“I have guest rooms,” I said. “But it’ll be easier. We can get moving more quickly that way. I won’t… I swear I’m not going to…” I squirmed. “Touch you.”

“I paid for this—”

“Yeah, well, I’m—”

“I’ll be more comfortable here on my own,” she said.

“You want me to take you up to the pole, we do this my way.” I tried to look intimidating and insistent, which is tough when you have your hands folded in front of your crotch, holding your pleasure cock from springing out.

She let out a disbelieving noise. “I would have to pack everything up.”

“Well, that’s my point,” I said. “Better to do it now than to slow us down in the morning.”

She tilted her head to one side, accepting this. “Fine.” She shut the door in my face. “Let me get dressed.” Her voice was muffled by the door.

“Yeah,” I said. I tucked my pleasure cock all the way back, shoving it away, smoothing my fur over it, swearing inwardly. What the fuck was wrong with me, anyway?

She yanked the door open. Now, she was wearing a pair of pants and she had a big bag slung over her shoulder. She raised her eyebrows at me.

“That was fast,” I said.

She shrugged. “I packed light.” She tilted her head again. “So, I guess I would have been able to get ready quickly in the morning?” It was pointed.

I cleared my throat, shifting on my hooves. “This way.” I walked down off the steps.

She caught up with me, on her bracelet, fingers moving over the holoproj.

“What are you doing?”

“Checking out of the bungalow where I’m no longer staying,” she said. “Which I’m going to be charged for, regardless of where I sleep at this point.”

“Sorry,” I said, gruff.

“It’s fine. It’ll be covered,” she said.

Right, by the resistance. The second reason why it was incredibly stupid to be helping this girl out. “The people in the ship, were they rebels too?” I said.

“Not so loud,” she admonished, looking around.

“Sorry,” I said. “Actually, let’s not talk about that.”

“Fine,” she said.

We didn’t end up talking at all. It took about twenty hidosecs to walk to my place, and half of that was the driveway. I had managed to get a bunch of land out here cheap a few years back, and then I’d built this place over time. Not with my bare hands or anything. I wasn’t worthless with a hammer, though. Icouldbuild things, but I tended to stick to my own skill set. It was more that I hired people for little modular areas of the thing, and I added to it in sections.

When it came into view around one of the bends, she sucked in a breath. “Wow.”

“Uh, it’s not really finished,” I muttered. It was designed to blend into the scenery, made of natural-looking materials, built in between the trees. And it was kind of sprawling at this point. I didn’t know why I’d built so much onto it. I guessed I figured eventually I was going to want to go off the suppressants and breed some woman and make babies or something. Like, not yet, but someday.

I was scared of doing that, of course, but it’d probably be cool, teaching my kids about the outdoors, how to camp and fish and hunt and hike and all of that?

“It’s gorgeous,” she said.
