Page 15 of Legend in my Bed

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His eyes widen. “Uh…”

“I’m not an angel, bud. That pick-up line? Not original at all. That’s what ladies want. Originality. Try to be funny.”

“I’m not funny.”

“What are you?”

“Apparently not good at pick-up lines,” he mutters.


“C student at best,” he mutters.

“Do you do any sports?”

“No. I had a concussion when I was young so my mom’s too freaked out. No clubs, nothing like that.”

“What would you be into if you could do what you wanted?”

"Don't know."

“Well, here’s some advice. Figure out who you are. Be that person first. Slow down and enjoy life, and good things will come. Oh, and maybe study a little more? Smart kids are the ones who will change the world. You should want in on that.”

“More than wanting to get in a girl’s skirt.”

“Ah… How old are you?” I ask.


I snicker. That definitely sounded like a question rather than a straight answer.

“How old… I shouldn’t ask that.”

“Nope, but I’m eighteen so….”

“Ah. Wait four years. Got it. Can I have your number?”

“Nice try. Take care.” I nod to him.

He winks at me and walks off, making a beeline for another girl. Oh, well. I tried to help him.

My mom laughs. “You don’t want to be a cougar either, huh?”

I snort. “Hardly! It’s illegal for me, and even if it wasn’t, I’m not interested.”

“Why not?”


“Waiting for college, huh?”

“Basically,” I admit. “I don’t think I’ll want a boyfriend right away, though. Not the first semester at least. I want to get moved in and settled.”

“Just be careful that you don’t worry too much about your grades,” she says.

I blink a few times. “Who are you, and what have you done with my mom?” I ask.

“Yes, well…” She drains the rest of her drink. “I need another. Where was I? Oh, yes. If I’ve learned anything from all of this it’s that you need to live, right? You have to prepare for tomorrow, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t also live for today. It’s a balance. Me? I never thought about tomorrow. I just clung to each day, hoping it would be a good one, and there were times when it was, especially when you and your brother were younger, but lately… not even just the past few months with everything with the Slades… I just… I don’t know. Don’t waste your life. That’s my point. Good grades are important, yes, of course, but you have to live, Katie. Promise me you’ll live.”
