Page 14 of Legend in my Bed

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I grin at her.

“I can’t believe… I don’t appreciate that at all. Go ahead and go back to teasing me about alcohol. I would rather that instead.”

“Mom, chill,” I say. “I didn’t expect you to freak out. I’m sorry. Forget I said it, but… there is the start of life after Father, and you don’t have to feel like you’re going to be alone for the rest of your life. Go ahead. Live a little. Flirt. You don’t have to sleep with any of the guys here—”

“I most definitely won’t! They’re probably all hear with their wives or girlfriends!”

“Right because you’re here with your husband or boyfriend.” I roll my eyes. “Just keep an open mind, okay?”

She eyes me. “What about you? Are you going to try to have a last-minute summer fling before college?”

“Nah. We’re here for you.”

“No, honey. We’re here for us.”

I reach over, and we clink our glasses.

Another guy catches my eye. He’s maybe in his late twenties, and he’s not looking at me.

He’s eyeing Mom.

I cough and avert my gaze. “Two o’clock.”

“Two o’clock?” She looks over and does a double-take. “Honey, I’m not cougar material!”

“Says who? If he’s looking, maybe he’s interested.”

“I’m not,” she says quietly.

I meet her gaze. She’s dead serious about this.

“I… I’m not ready,” she continues. “I don’t know if I ever will be, but not… not right now. Please, Katie, don’t push this.”

“I won’t,” I promise. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“It’s fine, and I know you don’t mean anything by it, but…”

“I understand completely. Father left a mark on you, and it’s going to take time for you to heal, but, Mom…” I reach over and grasp her free hand, squeezing it tightly. “You will heal, and you’ll find love. Real love, not that fake shit you had with Father.”

Her smile is small, but her eyes are smiling too.


That guy is approached by a different girl, and they talk for a bit. I think it’s evident that they’re strangers, but my mom refuses to look over at the guy again, and he doesn’t approach, so maybe it’s a lost cause.

“Hi,” a young voice says.

I glance over to see a kid who might be a high schooler, but if he is, he’s a freshman.

And he’s staring right at me.

My mom snickers, and I shoot her a glare before eyeing the kid. “Hi. If you’re lost—”

“Did it hurt?” he asks.

I chuckle. “When I broke through the soul crawling my way up out of hell?”
