Page 7 of Billionaire's Baby

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Aiden shuffled a little and Aurora was forced to face him, only to find him staring back at her. Her breath caught in her throat as she saw him move a little closer to her. His eyes sparkled in the light of the fair, the air warm and the sound of the rain the only sound in the house. Her heart started beating fast in her chest. She was nervous.

She quickly got up, breaking the spell of the moment.

“I nee-d water,” she mumbled and quickly headed towards the kitchen. Once inside the kitchen, she heaved a sigh of relief and put a hand on her heart. He had moved closer to her. Maybe he felt attracted to her as well. Or she was just imagining things.

Right at that moment, Aiden walked into the kitchen and came to stand close to her.

“Why are you running away from me?” He asked, his voice a little rough. He reached out and grasped her before she could respond and kissed her.

Aurora forgot to react or feel for a moment. It was only a few seconds later that she felt his soft lips on hers. Aiden was holding her firmly by the arms as he kissed her. His scent was intoxicating to her, the feel of his strong hands on her arms, safe and exciting at the same time. Aurora let herself get lost in the kiss. She hadn’t felt this way in a long time. Her first kiss had been with her first and only boyfriend in high school and it was nothing like this.

When Aiden stopped, she wanted to pull him back and kiss again. But she didn’t. She was too shaken to do anything. She looked into his eyes.

“You’re so beautiful,” he said, caressing her cheek. He was being soft with her and Aurora wanted to cry. No one had talked to her like this before. And why was it Aiden of all people? She wasn’t even sure he liked her. He was so grumpy all the time so what was this?

She looked at him silently, a tornado of emotions running through her.

“What’s happening? We can’t do this,” she blurted out. “Ethan would not like this.”

“I know and I don’t care.” Aiden’s eyes sparkled with something that could only be defined as desire. He kissed her again.

As the heat rose between them, the kissing became rougher and almost wild. They found themselves feverishly moving to the room Aiden was staying in. Aiden’s large hands cupped Aurora’s breasts as if they knew their rightful place was there at that moment. Her panties were soaked in anticipation. Aurora gasped and her eyes got huge as she reached down to feel his huge, hard bulge pushing at her through the sweatpants he was wearing.

Aiden thrust his hands into her pants and in one motion pulled them off with her panties at the same time.

The two of them quickly finished undressing each other while continuously ravaging each other’s mouths and grasping at flesh. Aiden has her body pushed against the wall and she is moaning in anticipation. He grabs her legs and wraps them around his waist as he steps back to sit on the bed. She is straddling him, but he takes her weight in his strong arms and lifts her up to finally find her opening. He looks deep into Auroras eyes and whispers to her that he wants to make her feel his passion and never know anything else.

That night, only for a few hours, Aurora let herself forget all her troubles and enjoyed feeling loved and wanted. She had never been made to feel this way before by any man. And here was Aiden, her brother’s best friend, making her feel so many emotions in a short span of time.

Chapter 5

Aurora’s eyes fluttered open around sunrise, just as the light through the window was beginning to show. For a minute, she forgot where she was but then she heard Aiden’s soft breathing and remembered. She was in Aiden’s arms, in his room. The rain had stopped, and the first rays of sunlight were peaking through the corners of the curtains. She looked at sleeping Aiden, his salt-and-pepper hair a tousled mess. She ran her fingers through his hair and pulled him closer to her.

Aiden’s eyes opened.

“Why are you up so early?” His sleepy voice was gravely and, oh so attractive.

She shrugged, snuggling closer towards him. “I have to go home.”

“Don’t. Ethan won’t be back by evening,” Aiden replied, closing his eyes.

“But still, my dad must be worried about me. And it’s Monday, I have work,” she protested softly.

There was a flash of annoyance on Ethan’s face but it disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. He closed his eyes and sighed, slowly rubbing her arm with one hand. She was quiet for a moment, waiting for him to say something.

“Okay. You can go if you want.” He said, not opening his eyes. She couldn’t tell if he was upset or not.

“Ethan cannot find out about this,” Aurora whispered. She was scared of her brother’s reaction.

“Is there really something so wrong about this?” Aiden leaned on one arm that was resting on the pillow and looked at her. The sun had risen behind the curtains and she could make out his features more clearly.

“You’re only here for a few weeks and there can’t be more to this. It’s like a one-night stand.” It hurt her to say those words, but she knew the truth. Someone like Aiden would never really be interested in her seriously. He couldn’t think of a future with Aurora. They were both from different worlds.

“You could move to New York if you get a job there,” Aiden responded, gazing into her eyes. She wasn’t sure if he was joking or serious. She stared at him, trying to figure out which one it was. His face remained passive and that was when she realized he might be serious.

Aurora let out a laugh. It seemed too good to be true, her getting a job in New York. She had been trying for a year now, applying to different magazines and book agencies.

“Aiden, that’s sweet of you to say. But last night was the most we talked in like what? Forever? We don’t even know each other!”
