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“I’m sure she did, she looks exhausted which is always a good sign. Go and see Sadie and tell her I hope she feels better soon.”

I lean in and place a kiss on my sister’s cheek.

“Will do. Call you later,” I whisper as I race for the door and head back to the car where it looks like Sadie has fallen asleep. I slowly get back behind the wheel in the hope of not waking her up or making too much noise and pull away from my sisters.

Luckily Sadie doesn’t live far and I pull up outside her house in no time.

“Come on, sweetheart. Let’s get you in,” I whisper as I run my knuckles over her cheek. She looks at me and nods, the pain visible in her eyes. I climb out of the car and rush around to her side to help her out.

“I’m okay, I just need to get in and sleep it off,” she protests as I take her bag from her and start looking for her keys.

“That’s fine, but I’m not leaving you until I know you are settled with everything you need. No arguments.”

I unlock the front door and help her to her room to lie on the bed. After a quick Google check on things she may need, I grab a washing-up bowl from under the kitchen sink and place it near her as well as a couple of glasses of water. I also check Binx has enough food and water to last him the night. I pull the blanket from the bottom of the bed and place it over Sadie as she lies with her eyes closed.

Squatting down in front of her I run a knuckle over her cheek and place a kiss on her forehead.

“There’s water down here, a bowl and your bag. Do you need anything else?” I ask tucking some hair behind her ear.

“No, I have everything. I’m sorry,” she whispers.

“What for?”

“I had the best day today, I’m sorry it ended like this.”

I watch as a small tear runs down her nose and I quickly wipe it away.

“Don’t apologise. I’m just glad you had a good day before this started. Give me a shout when you feel up to it or call me if you need anything at all.”

She nods slowly but I can see how much it hurts her to move her head. I lean in and place a kiss on her temple.

“Speak to you later, sweetheart. Thank you for the most amazing day,” I whisper before standing up and forcing myself to walk away from her and head to my car.

I sit behind the wheel for a while looking up at the house and fighting the urge to go back inside to check on her. My phone rings in my pocket and quickly get it out. I let out a deep sigh of either relief or disappointment or both when I see my sister’s name.

“Hey, how’s Sadie?”

“I’ve left her on the bed with everything she needs. I can’t help thinking I should stay with her though.”

“No, you are doing the right thing leaving her. She will not relax if you are there, she’ll feel like she needs to act better than she is.”

“I guess,” I sigh as I lean my head back against the headrest.

“Where are you? At home?”

“No, I haven’t been able to drive away from hers yet. I’m sitting in my car outside like a crazed stalker,” I admit with a chuckle.

“Lord, you have got it bad, haven’t you?” I hear the surprise in my sister’s voice and I’m not even shocked by it.

“I guess I do.” I let out a deep breath and force myself to start the engine. “How’s Alice?” I ask as I glance at Sadie’s one last time before driving away and towards home.

“She’s awake and has had the best day. Thank you for taking her, she loved spending time with you both. She said she loved it in the bat cave even though Sadie didn’t,” Trudy laughs down the line. I smile remembering the way Sadie lent into me when she was scared. She fitted against me perfectly, like she was made to be part of me.

“Yeah, the daft woman has a fear of bats and never thought to tell us,” I laugh.

“She will be okay, Jay.” I can hear the reassurance in my sisters tone and I find myself taking a deep breath.

“I hope so, Trudy. I really hope this doesn’t put her off having a second date with me,” I admit.
