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“I’m sure it won’t. Alice seems to think you got along well today.”

“Yeah, we did it was perfect, to be honest,”

“Then I am sure everything will work out just fine.”

“I hope so, I really do.”

Chapter Seven


It’s mid-morning and I haven’t heard from Sadie since I left her yesterday. I sent a message as soon as I woke up asking how she was and looking at my phone it doesn’t seem to have been read. I have tried my hardest to concentrate on work but no matter how much I try nothing is going in.

I’ve been to a new venue and checked on the construction there. I have also had a meeting with the developers of other premises and they were picking up on the fact I’m distracted. I can’t put my finger on it but I know that something’s wrong and I don’t like it. I must have picked up my keys to go back to hers at least twenty times last night but stopped myself. I know she wouldn’t have wanted me there but I hate not knowing how she is.

By noon I tell everyone to go to lunch and I’ll see them all back in the office for two. I rush to my car and drive to the library first as it’s closer.

On the way there I worry that Sadie is still unwell with her migraine and that is why she hasn’t called or texted me. I’m also worried that she may have been scared off by the fact she ended up so ill after our day out and that she doesn’t want us to try for a second date. But I’m not ready to give up on us yet, I know things could be amazing between us.

I pull up outside the library and rush towards the entrance of the building, needing to see that she’s okay and determined to fight for this relationship before it has had a chance to grow.

I rush into the front entrance and head straight for the reception desk.

“Hey, is Sadie here?” I ask the girl behind it, desperately trying to remember her name.

“No sorry she is off today can I help you?” she asks. I run my fingers through my hair.

“No, she had a migraine last night and I need to check that she’s okay. Is she day off? Or sick?” I know the answer from the way she looks at me. “Sick it is then. Shit.” I go to pull my phone out of my pocket as my heart races. “I knew something was wrong.” I curse as I look for her number.

“Look I’m going to head over there in a minute to check on her, do you want me to give her a message?”

I turn to face the girl who smiles as she holds up some keys. “Sadie gave me a set for times like this so I could put my mind at ease. I’ll go in and check on her and let you know how she is.”

“I’ll take you so I can see for myself,” I demand. The girl looks at me for a moment but decides against arguing as she nods and calls over one of the other librarians. I hear her telling them she is going on a break to check on Sadie as I wait by the door for her.

As soon as we get outside, I tell her I’ll drive. It would probably get there just as fast by foot but I plan on staying if she’s still ill, whether she likes it or not.

We pull up outside and both rush towards the front door. The lady lets us in and I rush into the bedroom where Sadie is where I left her. The bowl is full of sick, and I can see the two glasses are empty. Binx is curled up on her legs and she’s asleep.

“Sweetheart, have you been here since I left you?” I ask quickly as I run a hand over her head. Sadie opens her eyes and looks around.

“How did you get in?”

“I let him in, we were worried sick about you,” the librarian answers as she stands in front of Sadie.

“Thank you, but I just need to sleep,” she sighs as she closes her eyes.

“I’m going to empty this bowl for you and get you some fresh water, and then you are going to let me look after you, no arguments,” I stare into her eyes for a moment and then she nods slowly. “Good girl,” I whisper before placing a kiss on her head and picking up the bowl of sick.

Once the bowl is empty, I wash it out with some cleaning bits I find in the well-organised bathroom.

As I walk back into the room her friend stands up and smiles at me before saying goodbye to Sadie and walking over to me.

“Look after her for me. If she isn’t in tomorrow just call the library and leave a message.”

I nod and thank her for letting me in before seeing her to the door.

Before walking back into the bedroom I pull my phone from my pocket and call my assistant.

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