Page 39 of Stallion

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With her SUV loaded with packages, Ellie settled behind the wheel and let out a happy, satisfied sigh. Chatting with Tiffany about horses while trying on the various boots and riding attire had been fun and fascinating. Not wanting to be interrupted she had turned off her phone, but now lifting it from her bag and powering it up, she discovered a missed call from Noah, and several from her father. She was about to call him back when her door was suddenly pulled open. Darting her head around, she was shocked to see Bethany glowering at her.

“Who the fuck do you think you are tossing out all the stuff in the pantry?” Bethany yelled. “I bought it, and you’d better pay me back every penny.”

Though Ellie’s heart was suddenly hammering in her chest, she managed to hold the woman’s angry stare by focusing on her ludicrously long false eyelashes.

“Who the fuck do you think you are stocking the shelves with all that fatty, sugary crap and processed food?” Ellie retorted. “What are you trying to do? Give my father diabetes? Or do you want him dropping dead from a heart attack?”

“He loves that stuff. I’m just making him happy, which is more than you’ve ever done.”

“Now you’ve crossed the line,” Ellie growled angrily. “I don’t know why he has you in his life. When you first arrived he said it was to oversee the renovations, but you’re not like any designer I’ve ever met. You’ve conned him and you’re up to something. When I find out what it is, and trust me, I will, you’ll be out on your ass.”

“Not a chance in hell,” Bethany snarled, starting to lean into the car. “If anyone’s leaving it will be you—in a fucking pine box!”

Ellie felt a shard of panic. Bethany appeared to be losing control, and was leaning further into the car.

“Hey, what’s goin’ on here?”

To Ellie’s great joy, she immediately recognized Clint’s voice. He’d joined her and Tiffany during the shopping spree. Darting her eyes to the windshield, she saw him striding up to Bethany with another cowboy beside him. It took her a moment, then she realized he was Devlin Pike, the stunt rider.

“Looks like you’ve been saved by the Lone Ranger, but this isn’t over,” Bethany hissed as she backed away, then turned around and stared up at Clint. “We were having a private conversation. You have no right interrupting us.”

“Ma’am, this is my parkin’ lot, and you’ve been harassin’ one of my customers,” Clint said sternly, stepping closer and towering over her. “You’d better get outta here before I call the sheriff.”

“And say what?” she shot back. “People have arguments all the time. I doubt he’ll care.”

“Hold on, I know you,” Devlin exclaimed. “My wife owns Matilda’s Munchies and I just saw you in there buyin’ up a whole bunch of cakes. I suggest you make ‘em last. You won’t be welcome in there again.”

“If it’s your wife’s shop—“

“Hey, I look out for her, and I’m tellin’ you, don’t come back.”

“Or what?”

“Damn, you’ve got some lip on you. I should take you around the back and spank your sorry ass, and if you don’t hightail outta here I’ll do just that.”

Ellie couldn’t believe her ears, and she hoped Bethany would fire back an insult and Devlin would make good on his threat. But with her face blazing red, Bethany tossed her head and marched away.

“Are you okay, Ellie?” Clint asked, leaning down to speak with her.

“I am now,” she replied, letting out a heavy breath. “How did you know I was in trouble?”

“Our security cameras. This parkin’ lot has excellent coverage. But who was that woman, and why was she threatenin’ you?”

“I suspect she’s my dad’s girlfriend. Sorry, I know that sounds strange. She’s supposed to be supervising the renovations at our house but I don’t see her doing much of anything and I’m sure she’s up to no good. The truth is, I’m really worried about dad. She’s a nightmare.”

“She’s probably different with him,” Clint said knowingly, then stepped back. “I don’t think you know my buddy here, Devlin Pike.”

“Hi, nice to meet you,” Devlin said, dropping his head down and shooting her a smile. “I’m just sorry it’s under these circumstances. Matilda doesn’t need customers like that, and she won’t be sellin’ that woman any more cakes, you can count on it.”

“Thank you both so much for coming to my rescue. It’s the first time I’ve been afraid of her. Now I’m beginning to think she’s capable of anything.”

“If you want my advice, you should tell your dad what happened. If he doesn’t believe your version of events, he can call me,” Clint offered. “I’ll be happy to report what I overheard, and he can have a copy of the security footage.”

“Thank you, I will, and I appreciate this more than I can say.”

“You’re very welcome. You take care, and I’m only a phone call away.”

“Me too,” Devlin offered. “You’ve got a regular posse on your side.”
