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“I’m not interested in easy, baby.” He winked at me. “I’m a Navy SEAL. Doing things the hard way comes with the job.”

I let out a heartfelt sigh as he shut my door and rounded the front of the SUV to climb into the driver’s seat. Turning to him, I whispered, “Thank you.”

After starting the engine and pulling out of the parking spot, he tugged my hand over the console so he could hold it while he drove. “There’s no need to thank me. I’d do just about anything for you. This is nothing.”

“I think we’re going to need to agree to disagree again because what you’re doing is a big deal to me.”

He flashed me a grin as he turned onto the road. “I like how you’re not afraid to use my words against me. Your sassy side is sexy as hell.”

“Although redheads are supposed to be famous for their tempers, I don’t think anyone has ever called me that before.” I ducked my head, a lock of hair falling in front of my face to hide my blush. “Maybe you bring the sassy side out of me.”

“That’s fine by me.” He squeezed my hand. “I don’t want you to ever feel as though you have to hide anything when we’re together. You’re not going to scare me away. The more I learn about you, the more I like you.”

“It’s the same for me.” Tucking my hair behind my ear, I peeked at him through my lashes. “I already thought you were pretty incredible for taking Paul to rehab when you didn’t even know us, but you somehow keep getting better.”

“Even when I threaten to kick someone’s ass for hitting on you right in front of me?”

“Yes,” I admitted with a soft laugh. “Just so long as I don’t get fired for it, feel free to warn off whomever you’d like.”

“Hooyah,” he murmured.

When we reached his building, he led me up to his apartment again so he could pack a bag for the night. Only when he came back out of his bedroom, the duffel he had slung over his broad shoulder was fuller than I’d expected. “Don’t tell me that you’re a high-maintenance guy.”

“Pardon?” he asked, his brows drawing together.

I jerked my chin toward his bag. “That’s a lot of stuff for just one night.”

“Like I said, I plan to stick close to you until my duties pull me away. And even then, I’m going to make sure you’re safe.”

Judging by the determination in his hard voice, the person who put that note on my car would soon regret it.



When we returned to Phoebe’s apartment, she seemed a little quieter than she had the rest of the night. As she unlocked the door, she kept peeking up at me through her lashes. It was adorable, and I couldn’t help smiling, which seemed to fluster her, amusing me further.

Once it was open, I put my hand on her shoulder to stop her from walking in ahead of me. “Let me check things out first.” Phoebe bit her bottom lip, then nodded as her eyes darted around nervously.

Inside, I dropped my bag on the floor before crossing the living room to check the sliding glass door that led out to her small balcony. It was still locked up tight, so I moved on to the kitchen, each bedroom, and the bathroom before returning to give her the all clear.

Phoebe walked in and shut the door, then bolted it. She set her purse on a little table in the entry, then kicked off her shoes.

“Would you like something to drink?” she asked as she wandered toward the kitchen.

“Sure, baby. Let me just drop my stuff in the bedroom.”

She flashed a brief smile at me. “You can stay in Sage’s old room, it’s the first door on the right.” Then she disappeared into the kitchen.

I picked up my duffel and retraced my steps down the hallway but moved right on past the first room and entered the second. Even though she’d warned me that she wouldn’t easily fall into bed with me, I was amused that she thought I wouldn’t be sleeping with her when her safety was at risk. She’d figure it out when we were ready to go to bed.

I looked around the decent-sized bedroom and noted that it had her personality splashed all over it. The art on the walls and the pillows on her beige bedspread were all bright colors and patterns. A fuzzy blanket was tossed over the end of the bed, and I could picture her curled up with it wrapped around her.

The only thing that gave me pause was the size of her bed. It was only a double, and I mentally cringed thinking about trying to fit my tall, bulky frame into it. Then a smile played at the corners of my mouth as I thought,I’ll just have to wrap myself around my girl to conserve space.

I ambled back out to the living room and into the kitchen. Phoebe was drinking from a bottle of water, and I stopped for a moment to admire the elegant slope of her neck as she tilted her head back. When she finished and lowered the bottle, her eyes meant mine. She must've seen some of the heat in my gaze because her cheeks dusted with a hint of pink.

“What would you like to drink?” she queried as she turned to open the refrigerator, then looked back at me. “I have some beer left over from the last time my dad was here.”
