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“A beer would be great,” I told her with a soft smile as I took a few steps forward to lessen the gap between us.

Phoebe turned to look inside, rustled around for a moment, then she backed away and closed the door with a swish of her hips because both her hands were full. She gave me a dark brown longneck bottle and set the wine in her other hand on the counter. Then she turned around to open another cabinet where there was a stash of glasses.

I almost laughed when she filled her glass to the brim, except that I knew her anxiety stemmed from fear, and I didn't like her being afraid.

However, while this wasn’t what I would have chosen for the start of our relationship, I couldn't help but appreciate how fast the situation would get me into her bed. Which probably made me an asshole…but that wouldn’t stop me from using this to my advantage. Even if nothing sexual happened between us for a while, I wanted to sleep with my arms wrapped around her.

I took a pull from my beer and once again admired her gorgeous body as she gulped down her drink. “Slow down baby,” I urged her with a chuckle. She gave me a half smile and shrugged before taking a smaller sip. I cocked my head to the side and studied her for a moment, then asked, “Are you scared?”

Phoebe looked past my shoulder for a second before returning her gaze to my face and nibbling on her lip as she nodded. Then she sighed and admitted, “I feel much safer with you here.”

I hastily closed the distance between us to take her glass so I could set both of our drinks on the counter. She watched me, her big blue eyes a mixture of curiosity and heat as I placed one hand on her waist and cupped the back of her head with the other. “I’m glad you feel safe with me. I won't let anything happen to you.”

Phoebe leaned in and slipped her arms around my waist, resting her cheek against my chest.

She felt so damn good in my arms, all those soft curves pressed against me. A little voice in my head reminded me that I’d been very patient throughout the night and focused on her protection. I’d promised myself I could indulge once we were alone.

But was she ready for that?

I gently grasped the hair at the back of her head and drew it back, tilting her chin up so I could look directly into her beautiful face. We stared at each other in silence, both of us trying to figure out what came next. When Phoebe’s eyelids began to droop, I gave in to my need and bent my head, sealing my mouth over hers.

Electricity zinged from our lips to every nerve ending in my body, lighting me up like a fucking Christmas tree. When a tiny moan escaped her mouth, I felt as if all the blood in my brain drained straight to my cock. Shifting the hand I had at her waist down to cup one of her round ass cheeks, my fingers flexed instinctively as I brought her even closer. She let out a little gasp when she felt the proof of my arousal pressed against her stomach, and I took full advantage, plunging my tongue into her sweet mouth. She tasted amazing, and I was instantly addicted.

Phoebe moved her hands to rest on my pecs, then she slid them up and locked them behind my neck. I groaned, and with a small tug of my hand, I tilted her head to change the angle of our kiss, deepening it.

It took a monumental effort to keep myself in control so that I wouldn’t fuck her right there on the kitchen floor. After a few more minutes of devouring her lips, I forced myself to break away, although I didn't release her. She was blinking up at me, her blue eyes hazy with desire, and it nearly shredded my resolve.

“You taste even better than I imagined,” I mumbled. “And trust me, I imagined a lot.”

Phoebe's face was flushed from our kissing, but it didn't hide the pretty blush that bloomed on her cheeks.

“Me too,” she whispered before nibbling on her bottom lip again. Instinctively, I lowered my head and used my teeth to pull her lip free, then nibbled the soft flesh briefly before releasing it.

“Only I get to bite these sexy lips,” I told her sternly.

Phoebe’s little pink tongue darted out and wet her lips, leaving them shiny—which introduced a whole new set of dirty images filling my mind.

I blinked them away and scanned her face, frowning at the purple smudges under her eyes. I should have been paying better attention because she was clearly exhausted.

“Are you ready for bed, baby?”

She mumbled an agreement, and I gave her another quick kiss on the forehead before releasing her. Patting her on the ass, I gently pushed her toward the door. “Go get ready. I just need to make a phone call.”

I emptied her glass and the rest of my bottle into the sink, then threw the bottle into the recycle bin and put the glass in the dishwasher.

Once I finished cleaning up, I made a quick call to Deacon and filled him in on the night’s events. I rummaged in the fridge while we talked and found sandwich fixings. He promised to look into it. After we hung up, I practically inhaled my sandwich, then I did one more round of all the doors and windows to make sure they were secure before I made my way to Phoebe’s bedroom.

The door to the bathroom was closed, and the light was out beneath it, so I wasn’t surprised to find the room empty. I made a beeline for my duffel bag and pulled out a pair of basketball shorts. Then I quickly took off my other clothes and put them on.

A minute later, I heard footsteps approaching the door, and Phoebe appeared. My eyes did a once-over from the top of her coppery curls to her cute, pink-tipped toes. Her hair floated down all around her shoulders, and her face was a little pink from being scrubbed clean. I took in her long T-shirt that made it look like she had nothing on underneath it and clenched my jaw. Half of me hoped that was the case, and the other side prayed she wore underwear. If not, I didn’t think I’d be able to keep things rated PG tonight. When I returned my focus to her face, I smirked because her blue pools were glued to my chest and hazy with desire.

“I’m sorry,” she sputtered suddenly, her feet shifting nervously beneath her. “I guess I wasn't clear enough. This is my room.”

I raised an eyebrow and chuckled. “I’m a fucking Navy SEAL, baby. You really think I didn’t figure that out?”

Phoebe’s lips curled up, and her eyes twinkled with amusement, but she still looked adorably confused. “If you know this is my room, why are you in here?”

“Once again,” I said with a long-suffering sigh, “I am reminding you of my promise not to leave your side." I wasn't sure if she noticed that this time, I left off the part about “until she was safe.” I certainly wouldn't physically leave her until I knew that was the case, but I didn't want her to misunderstand either. This was not temporary. I wouldn't be letting her go.Ever.
