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Fuck.I had seen glimpses of her sass over the past couple of days, but I couldn't wait to see her personality come out in full force. I was tempted to barge into the bathroom and join her in the tub, but it had been an emotional night, and I didn't want to take advantage of her fragile state. So I reluctantly went into the kitchen and put a kettle of water on the stove.

When I heard the tub begin to drain, I flipped on the burner to warm the water. I’d just finished removing the tea bag from her mug when I heard the slap of bare feet on the linoleum, and Phoebe entered the kitchen.

I about swallowed my tongue when I looked up and saw her in a purple tank top and matching sleep shorts. The material wasn't thin enough for me to see if she was wearing underwear, but it couldn't hide the hard nipples on her big tits. “Stand down,” I silently ordered my dick. But it didn’t give a shit what my brain wanted.

I gestured toward the table and croaked, “Tea.”

Phoebe’s answering smile made her look wholesome with her damp hair curling around her makeup-free face, bringing out the sprinkle of freckles across her nose and cheeks.

If I were a better man, I might have stopped to consider whether I should be corrupting this sweet thing. But I wasn't, and I was very much looking forward to showing her how good it felt to be dirty.

“I'm gonna go hop in the shower,” I rasped before making a hasty exit.

I’d already taken one this morning, but the frigid shower managed to calm my libido down a little bit. It was the best I could hope for because when it came to Phoebe, I was always sporting at least a semi.

I dried off and pulled on my basketball shorts, brushed my teeth, and trimmed my facial hair. When those things were done, I stared at myself in the mirror and frowned. I was procrastinating, and I knew it. I was hoping she'd be asleep by the time I got into bed. Her fear had magnified all the protective and possessive feelings coursing through me, leaving me on edge. Which made it harder to control my growing need for her.

I quietly opened the bathroom door and padded silently down the hall, just in case she was asleep. Luck had clearly abandoned me, because I heard the low hum of the television in the living room.

I headed that way and spotted Phoebe curled up on the couch with the blanket from the end of her bed wrapped around her. She stared blankly at the wall above the television with her mug of tea cradled in her hands.

I walked over and gently removed the cup, then set it on the table.

“Let's get you to bed, baby.” She blinked a few times before looking up at me. I would be even happier when all of this was over just so I could see Phoebe's beautiful face without the tiredness lurking in her blue depths and the shadows under her eyes.

When she didn't make a move to get up, I scooped her into my arms and carried her back to the bedroom. I pulled the comforter back with one hand, then gently set her down on the mattress before covering her with the blanket.

I took a few steps toward the door, but the sound of her frantic voice calling my name brought me to a quick halt. I spun around to see her watching me with those beautiful eyes once again brimming with tears.

“You're not going to stay with me?”

I arched my brow and stared at her until the corners of her lips lifted, and she nodded. “Not leaving my side. Right. How could I forget?” Relief trickled through me when she giggled.

I'd been hoping for that reaction, and I was pleased to see a little of the fear and tiredness slip away.

“I'm just going to do a once-over, and make sure the alarm is set, then I'll be back.”

“Okay,” she whispered with a sweet smile as she scooted back down to lay on her back.

Once I made sure everything was secure, I returned to the bedroom to find that she had fallen asleep. I shut off the light and slipped into the bed next to her before gently curling my body around hers.

* * *

The soundof quiet crying jerked me out of a deep sleep.

My eyes flew open, and I jackknifed up in bed, looking around wildly for the threat. When I didn't see anything, I turned to look down at Phoebe and realized she was asleep. I felt a stab in my heart at the wetness shimmering on her cheeks. She was having a bad dream.

Gently, I tapped her cheek, then ran my hand over her head and down the side of her face. “Baby, wake up,” I called softly. “You're having a bad dream, Phoebe. Come on, baby, wake up for me.”

Finally, Phoebe came awake with a jolt and sat up, looking around with wild blue eyes until she figured out where she was and who she was with. As soon as her gaze landed on me, she threw herself into my arms and climbed onto my lap. She straddled me with her legs curled around my hips, and her arms went around my torso, squeezing so hard I was a little worried she might crack a rib. I kept one arm banded securely around her and smoothed my other hand over her hair and down her back, repeatedly. “I'm here. You're safe. I won't let anything happen to you.”

I kept whispering reassuring words in her ear and soothing her with my touch until her trembles finally subsided. Her face was buried in my neck, and I tried to ignore the feel of her hot breath on the sensitive skin. I didn’t need to be any harder than I already was.

“Are you all right?” I inquired gently.

Phoebe raised her head, and as I tried to read the tumultuous emotions in her stormy blue eyes, I was taken aback by the heat in them.

“No,” she muttered with a sharp shake of her head.
