Page 16 of Bonds We Break

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“Will you look at that? You didn’t burn up in the sun.” He cocks his head with a sarcastic smile.

He pulls them back open again and says, “It’s like a vampire cave in here.”

I ignore him and climb back in bed, pulling the covers over my head.

“Do you have some kind of tracking device on me that I don’t know about?” My voice is muffled under the blanket. I can hear Wade moving around the motel room, bottles clinking together, and I can only assume he is throwing them in a wastebasket.

“Sleuthing is my superpower,” Wade says.

“And here I thought your superpower was sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong,” I sigh, knowing Wade’s heart is in the right place but I’m not in the mood to be judged. I don’t need him cleaning up my life.

“I have many superpowers if you must know.” Wade pokes me and I flip the blanket off my head to glare at him.

“Where’s your sidekick?” I ask accusingly.

“I can go places without Adam,” he says, as if he’s offended by the suggestion.

I pierce him with a glowering stare. “He’s in the car isn’t he?” I groan

Wade places a hand on his hip and rolls his eyes. “Well, can you blame me? This motel is sketchy. I needed backup in case a crackhead decided to attack.”

“Did you forget that we used to live in a squat?” I remind him.

“It was safer back then.”

I eye him skeptically.

“And we were younger. When you’re younger, you do stupid shit,” Wade explains while picking up an article of clothing with the end of a broken pencil.

“I know all about stupid,” I say, flinging myself back against the pillow.

“Are you just going to hang out here and wallow?” Wade asks.

“Doesn’t this whole shit-show get to you?” I demand as I sit up and slam my hands down onto the mattress.

“Of course it does!” Wade’s voice raises an octave. “I gave up a lot for this band. We finally make it, and your golden pussy had to fuck it up.”

I glower at him.

“Is that what you want to hear?” He lifts his hands up in question.

“Wow.” I choke out a laugh at the absurdity.

Wade sits on the bed next to me, his brown eyes exhibiting genuine concern for me, but he still shakes his head and laughs.

“You think my pussy is golden?” I ask, a smile on my face.

“Well, not me personally.” He holds his hand to his chest and looks at me sweetly.

“Fuck.” I flop back onto the bed. “What are you going to do now?” I ask.

“Well, I’m not going to turn into a vampire like you,” Wade chuckles and then shrugs. “I could always be a male stripper, I mean, look at me.” He stands up, his hands gesturing to his sculpted chest hiding under his shirt.

I only know this because I’ve seen Wade with his shirt off more times than I can count. The drums are a very physical instrument to play, and Wade does it well. I always thought of Wade as the brother I never had, but it never escaped me how handsome he is.

“What a fucked up gig you got dealt with,” I say sadly and shake my head. “You’re the only sane one out of all of us,” I tell him, knowing this is true. Jack is, well, Jack. Cash is just as fucking lost as me… I can’t seem to get my shit together.

“What are you doing here, Mia?” Wade looks around. I can see the disappointment in his eyes and I know he’s seen the news articles about me, especially the one where I got my ass kicked at the club.
