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“Thanks. But I’ve got my limitations.”

“You’re the reason Chloe and Liam got together. If not for you, they’d still be pining after each other.”

“I’mthe reason?”

“Of course! Thanks to your hacking skills, you found out who her secret admirer was and gave him the push he needed to confess his feelings to her.”

I shrug. “I’m just glad they’re both happy.”

After we pick up everyone else, Peter drives us to Colton’s house. I have no idea where the guy lives, but Peter’s driving us to a wealthy neighborhood. Hmm, I guess his family has money?

“Ooh,” Lily says as she stares out the window at the large elegant building before us. “That’s a nice house.”

“I didn’t know the guy’s loaded,” I say as Peter opens the door and I get out.

“Do you know anything about him?” Chloe asks as she slides out after me.

“The question is, do I care to know anything about him?”

“Thanks, Peter,” Ava says. “We’ll let you know when to pick us up.”

Peter tips his hat and gets back in the car, driving away.

I can hear rock music playing from inside. Many kids enter the house, cheering and whooping like theyneedthis break from school and whatever stress they have in their lives. I find it interesting how some people find this as a way to destress. Seems like it causesmorestress. For me, all I need is to code or read a book and I’m good to go.

The seven of us head inside. Dang, the place is full of Edenbury High students. I swear every single kid from school is here. I spot Noah, Chloe’s older brother, and Evie, Liam and Lily’s older sister. And Colton’s looking around like he’s making sure everyone is having a good time.

The place isn’t in chaos like I’ve seen in movies, and the music isn’t so loud that it’s making my ears bleed. Most of the kids are either chatting or dancing or making out. And I don’t see any alcohol here, just sodas and juice.

“Is this tame for a party?” I ask my friends.

“Colton doesn’t throw wild parties,” Xavier tells me. “He’s popular enough that people just want to hang out here and have fun and dance.”

“Did you say dance?” Lily grabs his hand, pulling him to the dance floor. “What are you waiting for?” she calls. “Come, guys!”

Ava and Aidan lock hands and follow her, and Chloe slides her hand into Liam’s. Just as I’m about to head to the kitchen to see if there are any snacks, Liam grabs my arm and pulls me along with him. “You’re dancing with us, Willow.”

I let him drag me. I don’t mind dancing, and I want to hang out with my friends. But I know they want some alone time. Maybe I’ll dance for ten minutes and then leave them to it.

I have no idea what music is playing, but it’s the perfect song to dance to. The seven of us let loose and have fun, Ava trying to teach us some of the more complicated moves she learned in dance class.

As much fun as I’m having, I can’t help but notice how muchmore funmy friends are having with their boyfriends. Of course they’re not making me feel left out, but I once again feel like the seventh wheel. But I push those thoughts away. I’m being ridiculous. I can be single and have fun with my friends who have partners. They never once make me uncomfortable.

With my thoughts eased, the only thing I focus on is having a blast with some of my favorite people in the world. For the first time in a long time, I’m not stressing out about my app or the coding competition. It’s just the seven of us having the time of our lives. I guess parties do have some merit.

Until the music suddenly switches to a slow song.

With an excited squeal, Lily flings her arms around Xavier, squishing herself so close to his body it looks like they fuse into one. With the largest smile I’ve ever seen on Ava, she wraps her arms around Aidan and presses her cheek to his. Chloe and Liam are still new to their relationship, but they waste no time tangling themselves together and staring into each other’s eyes like everything around them disappears and it’s just the two of them in their own Love Land.

And I stand here all alone.

Lily’s gaze catches mine, and she gives me a small smile. I can see in her eyes how much she wants me to have a boyfriend so I can experience what she’s experiencing. But I give her a reassuring nod, letting her know I’m okay. One might notneeda boyfriend or girlfriend to make themselves happy, but I’m sure nothing else in the world could compare to it. And maybe I’ll have the opportunity to experience it one day, too, just not in high school.

I leave the dance floor and make my way to the kitchen for a snack. But when I get there and see a group of guys slobbering over whatever they can find in the fridge, bile rises in my throat.

I do find some sodas on the counter, grab one, and guzzle it down. I stand there watching everyone. The boys are still being unhygienic and messy, so I quickly look away from their direction. But my gaze settles on a couple who are making out quite heavily. Yeah, I definitely don’t need to seethat. With an internal groan, I march out of the kitchen and back to the living room, where a new slow song is playing. All the couples on the dance floor look like they fell into a magical, romantic world, where they’re the only ones present. My friends look like they’re the happiest people in the entire Universe.

It’s weird, but I’ve never felt like I needed to be in a relationship. I’ve always been content with my Junior Musketeers, my family, and my love for coding and tech and books. But lately, there’s a strange feeling in my stomach. Or maybe my heart. Kind of like a small void. Like something’s missing. Maybe a part of me wants to know what it’s like to have someone love me the way my friends’ boyfriends love them. How my parents love each other. They sometimes argue because their personalities are very different and they bump heads a lot. But somehow, they work. And it makes the love they have for one another that much deeper.
