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“Never. I missedyoumore.”

“No! I missedyoumore.”

“This may take a while,” Lily jokes as she hops onto the couch. “You should hear them at night on the phone. ‘You hang up first. No, you hang up first.’”

Liam shoots her a look. “You do the same thing with Xavier.”

Chloe laughs. “Doesn’t everyone?” She presses a kiss on Liam’s cheek. “Thanks for the surprise visit. I love you so much.”

“Not as much as I love you.”

“I love you more!”

“Never. I loveyoumore.”

“Here we go again.” Lily playfully rolls her eyes. Even though she loves to tease her brother, she’s over the moon happy that he and Chloe are together. Because they deserve the best, and the two of them are really perfect for each other.

A loud honk sounds from outside.

Liam scowls. “That’s Evie. I can feel her impatience crawling over my skin. Can’t wait ‘til I get my license.” He gives Chloe a quick but sweet kiss on the lips. “Later, my beautiful Chloe.”

“Later, my handsome Liam.”

He wishes us goodbye before leaving. With her cheeks flushed and eyes lit up like she’s got the sun buried there, she lowers herself back on the couch with a content sigh. “I’m so happy.”

“We know,” Lily says with a laugh. “Hard to imagine you guys were everjustfriends.”

“They were both secretly in love with each other for years,” I remind her. “The ‘just friends’ ship sailed ages ago.”

Chloe’s phone beeps. She releases an excited squeal and starts texting the person back.

“Is someone texting her boyfriend?” Ava calls from the arcade machine, where she’s pounding on the buttons. “I’m implementing a no-phone rule in the house.”

“You’re right.” Chloe finishes the text and puts her phone away. “This sleepover is about us. It feels like forever since we had one.”

“So true,” Lily says. “We used to have one like every weekend. I miss the old days.”

“We’re getting old,” I say.

“Ugh, don’t remind me,” Chloe says. “I don’t want to think about college and the future.”

“You lose again!” Ava does a victory dance. But then her mom dances as well, totally showing her up. Then Easton sweeps Dani into his arms and dips her, laying a kiss on her lips.

“You’re officially booted from my sleepover.” Ava nudges them toward the door, but they don’t budge. “Do that stuff in another room. My friends don’t need to be subjected to this.”

They don’t pay attention to her. They’re just making out like they’re the only people in here.

Ava grumbles. “Okay, this room is contaminated. You guys want to go to the pool?”

We follow her downstairs to her indoor pool. The staff keeps the temperature at a comfortable level based on the weather.

Ava stores our bathing suits here because this is the only pool we use. There’s no way any of us would go to the public pool when hers is always available. After we get changed, we jump inside and have fun in the water. Chloe and Lily have a splash fight while I swim a few laps, and Ava floats on her back, humming to herself.

After we tire ourselves out, we sit on the floor with our legs dangling in the water and towels wrapped around our torsos.

“It’s nice just us girls, right?” Lily says. “I mean, I miss the guys, but this feels like old times, you know? Before we had boyfriends.”

“Yeah. Us four against the world,” Ava says with a laugh. “And Liam, too, when boys were allowed. We’ve had some pretty wild times in our youth.”
