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“Yes, starving,” Lily says.

“I could eat a horse,” Chloe informs everyone.

“I wish we could order pizza,” I mutter. “I have such a craving.”

“You always have a craving for pizza,” Lily teases.

“I told you, I swear my mom only ate pizza when she was pregnant with me. She gave me a preexisting condition.”

“How about gourmet pizza instead?” Ava asks with a grin.

I gape at her. “What?”

Her grin grows wider. “I asked Chef Pierre to prepare us gourmet pizzas.”

“Are you serious?” I ask.

“As serious as that hundred you got on your physics test.”

“Then what the heck are we hanging around here for?” I shoot to my feet and toss the towel onto a pool chair. “Last one to the kitchen is a rotten egg!” I zip out of the room.

“Are we five again?” Lily calls after me.

I reach the kitchen in seconds, just as Chef Pierre removes the pizzas from the oven. Oh my gosh, they look amazing and smell delicious. Chef Pierre made each of us our own special pizzas with our favorite toppings. Although in my case, there are many different varieties because this geek loves nearly every kind.

I race to the table and dig in.

“Now this,” I tell Chef Pierre as I take another bite, “is the best pizza I’ve ever had in my life. Thanks.”

He inclines his head. “You are very welcome.”

My friends enter the kitchen and waste no time devouring their pizzas.

Before taking another bite of mine, I reach over and hug Ava. “Thanks for being such an incredible friend.” I turn to Chloe and Lily. “You, too, guys. I don’t think I emphasize it enough. I’m the luckiest person in the world to have friends like you.”

“We feel the same way,” Ava says. “Group hug!”

We stand and squish the living heck out of each other. Then we gobble down our scrumptious pizzas.

Chapter Twenty


My Musketeers and I sleep in on Saturday. After staying up late talking and reading and watching TV, we were pretty tired.

“I wish I could sleep forever,” Ava groans when Lily pulls aside the curtain, basking Ava’s humongous room in the strong sunlight. “Ugh, Lily! Close the shade. The sun’s blinding me.”

“We’re wasting this wonderful day sleeping like lazy cats.” She nudges me and then Chloe, then marches over to Ava and grips her blanket. “There’s so much to do, so little time. Let’s move!”

“Why can’t you be lazy like your brother?” she groans again as she sits up and rubs the sleep out of her eyes.

“Dibs on the bathroom!” Chloe races toward Ava’s en suite bathroom.

“You know we have many in the house,” she grumbles, still rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

Lily, Ava, and I head to the other bathrooms. After we get dressed, with Ava still grumbling that it’s way too early to be awake—even though it’s nearly noon—we make our way to the kitchen where the delicious smell of crepes fills my nose. The smell seems to jolt Ava awake because her head jerks up. “Do I smell crepes?” She bolts into the kitchen. “Yes! Thanks so much, Chef Pierre. I love your crepes.”

He smiles. “I know. I thought I’d surprise you girls.”
