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She whacks his chest. “Don’t trick me like that. Oh my gosh, we’re each other’s perfect match!” She smashes her lips to his, and he gathers her in his arms, cradling her close.

“I’m so relieved.” I fall back in my seat with a happy sigh. “Now we know the app works because you guys are meant to be. And it won’t be long before the rest of you are matched up as well.”

My throat chokes up again. I’ve built apps before, but I’ve never felt such satisfaction like this. Lily’s right—playing Cupiddoesmake you feel good.

“Aw, Willow.” Ava pulls me into her arms. “Youshouldfeel proud of yourself. You created something amazing and you’re going to make people’s lives better. More people will fall in love and fewer people will get divorced.”

I hold up my hand. “Whoa. I think you may be exaggerating a little.”

“Nope. I can already see it.” She waves her hands before her face and says in an announcer’s voice, “Willow Park, a resident from a small town in Georgia called Edenbury, receives an international award for lowering the divorce rate. Because people—those who want a life partner—are marrying the person who is perfect for them, the general human population is happier. The number of people diagnosed with depression and anxiety falls by fifty percent, divorce lawyers may need to rethink their career paths, and because morale is so high, everyone wakes up every morning excited to go to work, take care of their kids, and deal with everyday stresses. There are even fewer crimes being committed because people are much happier. Willow Park has, essentially, created a utopia.”

I stare at her for a bit before chuckling. “Yeah, sure.”

“You never know!”

Simultaneously, Chloe and Liam’s phones receive notifications.

I sit up again. “Is that…?”

“I have a match!” they both cry, quickly clicking on their notifications.

“I matched with Liam!”

“I matched with Chloe!”

“We’re soulmates!” Chloe flings her arms around her boyfriend.

He chuckles as he presses his lips to her temple. “Did you ever doubt it?”

“Never. Let’s see why we matched…”

As they read the summary provided to them by the app, Ava’s phone beeps, followed immediately by Aidan’s.

“I’d better be matched with my Superman or…” Ava squeals. “I’ve been matched with my Superman!”

“And I’ve been matched with my Princess!”

They tangle themselves in each other’s arms and kiss so passionately, it’s as though they just got married or something.

“I’m so happy you guys were matched with your soulmates,” I say as the results come back to me. “Guys, other people have gotten matches, too! Wow, it’s all coming in now. And everyone is super happy with their results.”

“That’s awesome!” Lily grabs me for a hug. “You’ll win the coding competition for sure.”

I slowly pull out of her arms. “You know something? I don’t care about the competition. I mean, of course I want to win, but seeing how happy you guys are and all the matches the app made…that makes me happier. You’re so right, Lily. Helping people find their perfect partner feels amazing.”

She beams. “Is there no better feeling than making the world a better place? Ooh, did you get matched with anyone, Willow?”

I shrug as I tap on the app. “No results yet. But that’s to be expected. My guy doesn’t go to Edenbury High. I’ll meet him in college or after.”

Lily frowns. “So you weren’t matched with…?”

I give her a look. “If the person you’re thinking rhymes with Bolt…”

“No. The person I’m thinking rhymes with Walton,” she mutters.

I’m about to say something, but Ava says, “Should we keep using the app, Willow? I mean, now that we’re matched, what else can we do?”

I tap my chin. “Hmm…good point. The app becomes useless once you’re matched.”
