Page 23 of Savage Deal

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“As long as he leaves her alone.” I took the decanter off the shelf in the corner of the room. “She’s lucky she ended up here.”

“Caleb made it a point to mention that we could be beneficial to one another in the future. He’s looking at this as some kind of alliance.”

“That’s not something I wish to partake in, but he could be a useful ally.” I poured two glasses of vodka. “You never know.”

“I’ll trust you know what you’re doing.” He stared out the window. “Caleb isn’t a business associate I would have chosen.”

“You don’t approve.” I handed him a glass, ignoring the displeasure written all over his face.

“If this is some kind of mid-life crisis, we could have found an escort service. They have young women there looking for older men to indulge them.”

“I don’t need an escort service.” I smirked before taking a long sip. “I don’t expect you to understand, because I’m not sure why I did this either. It was just something I needed to do.”

“She’s extremely beautiful.” He chugged his shot. “I hope she’s worth it.”

Me too.

Chapter 7


Thousands of twinkling white lights and hundreds of roses filled the eloquent ballroom. I had never seen anything so amazing. This wedding outdid any of those I had seen in the celebrity magazines or online. Where I came from couples went to the justice of the peace or had a small reception in a firehall.

I found myself in a strange situation. As I gazed around the lively room, I was surrounded by hundreds of strangers who drank, laughed, and celebrated their extravagant lives. I graced the arm of a man I knew nothing about, wearing a dress that cost more money than some people made in a month. The strangest part? I teetered on the verge of entering into an agreement that gave this mysterious man my freedom.

Two days ago, I sought shelter from the cold, afraid of shadows and vulgar men trying to collect a debt that was never mine to repay. Alone and afraid, my stomach was empty, and my luck was running out. Even surrounded by all of these people tonight, I was still alone and afraid. Only now, I wasn’t hungry, cold, or sleeping outside.But am I better off?

My man of mercy, who I didn’t trust, pulled out a barstool and motioned for me to sit. I’d been following his lead all day. Smiling, keeping quiet, and staying close to his side. Being with him was intimidating, but not terrible. I had to refrain from gawking at him more than once.

He could wear a suit. I didn’t know much about clothes, but I was certain it was a designer suit, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was custom made for him. His sexy silver hair and matching beard were styled to perfection. His meticulous appearance was as flawless as his shiny watch and glossy, black dress shoes.

“I’ll have a vodka neat, the most expensive one you have, in a chilled glass, and the lady will have a prosecco.” Jude slipped a hundred-dollar bill across the bar as the bartender gazed at me. “That’s for you. Make sure my glass isn’t empty the rest of the night.”

“Thank you, Mr. Cordero.” He took the money and got busy making our drinks.

“I’m not old enough to drink,” I whispered, feeling awkward explaining to a man double my age that I couldn’t drink.

“You’re with me.” He leaned against the bar. “No one is going to card you.”

“You’re popular.” I smiled at the bartender when he placed my drink in front of me. “Everyone knows your name.” All afternoon and throughout dinner people sought him out to say hello and shake his hand. “Are you a politician?”

“God, no.” He took a sip from his glass. “But a few of them are quite useful in my line of work.”

“What line of work is that?” I drank from the delicate crystal flute, wrinkling my nose because the bubbles tickled. If I had a phone, I would have searched him by now.

“Are you enjoying the wedding?” When he stroked my cheek with the back of his hand, I didn’t move. I wasn’t sure if I was afraid, or if I liked his attention. Maybe it was a little of both, which was slightly disturbing. “You’ve been quiet.”

“It’s beautiful.” His mystifying gaze left me needing to know so much more about him. “I’ve only been to two weddings and they were nothing like this.”

“My family does seem to have a gift for the extravagant.”

“I’ll say.”

“You’re overwhelmed.”

“A little.” Who wouldn’t be among all this glitter and glitz? “Maybe a lot.”

