Page 24 of Savage Deal

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“Are you kidding?” I took another sip of the fizzy drink. “I’m out of my element. Everyone keeps staring at me. And you’re waiting for me to make a decision that will alter my life.”

“You belong here as much as anyone else. You’re my guest, and that’s all that matters.” He rested his hand on top of mine. “Everyone keeps staring at you because you’re the most stunning woman in the room. You’re the topic of conversation because I don’t bring women to family functions.”

“Why not?”

“Because I keep my personal life private.” He finished his vodka and then pushed the glass to the edge of the bar. “As for your decision, I’m confident you’ll make the right choice.”

“Why do you want this?”

“Because I do.” He leaned in and whispered into my ear, forcing a shiver to prickle my skin. “Trust me, you’re going to want it too.” He kissed the spot just below my earlobe, sending a foreign sensation between my legs. “I promise.”

“I…” I didn’t understand what was happening, but the more time I spent with him, the more intrigued I became.

“Close those lips, sweetheart, or I might be tempted to kiss that luscious mouth of yours.”

I pressed my fingers to my lips, trying to get him to stop staring at my mouth, but he was so focused on me. Did I want him to kiss me?

“I’m planning on stealing a kiss before this night is through.” He removed my hand from my lips and gently kissed my fingers. “I’ve embarrassed you. Is that because you’ve never been properly kissed?”

“I, ah…” I had been kissed a couple times in high school, but something told me those instances with inexperienced boys were nothing like a kiss from Jude. He was about as manly as a man could get.

“There you are.” Luke, and Jude’s two brothers, who I had met briefly before the ceremony and then again during dinner, joined us at the bar. “I’ll have what he’s having.” Luke pointed to Jude’s glass. “He’ll take another.”

Jude let go of my hand and created some needed distance between us.

“Are you enjoying yourself?” Luke asked me.

“Yes, it’s amazing.” I glanced around the ballroom. “Magical.”

“The Corderos spare no expense,” Drew, Jude’s younger brother, said. “So, tell me, where did my brother find such a treasure?”

“I…well…” I looked to Jude for some assistance. I didn’t think telling his family about the stables was a good idea. Jude probably didn’t want them to know I would be going up on the auction block in a few days either. If he liked to keep his personal life private, he wasn’t going to tell them about the mess that I was in.

“Let’s get the tequila shots started,” Jude said. “After all, isn’t that what you came over here for?”

“You know him well,” Ryan, Jude’s older brother, said. “It wouldn’t be a celebration without the shots.”

“Tequila shots?” I asked Luke.

“It’s a tradition.” Luke took a sip of his vodka. “Anytime this family has a celebration, they do shots of tequila.”

“Some of us can hold our alcohol better than others.” Jude smiled at his brothers. “Let’s see if that’s still true.” Jude motioned for the bartender. “Tequila shots for all of us.”

When the bartender placed a shot glass in front of me, I peered at Jude. I had never done shots before, and I wanted to keep my wits about me. I didn’t want to be drunk or vomiting.

“You don’t have to.” He pushed the glass closer to his.

“Can I stick with the prosecco? I like it.”

“I’ll take her shot.” Cassie wiggled her way up to the bar and stood on the other side of me.

“No,” Jude said.

“Come on, Daddy.” Cassie batted her eyelashes. “Emmie’s not legal either and she’s drinking.”

“She has a point.” An astonishing woman with long blonde hair and sparkly blue eyes came and stood next to Cassie. “Hello, Emmie. I’m Carly, Cassie’s mother.”

“Oh.” I noticed her during dinner sitting at the table with Cassie. She was difficult not to notice. Her long legs and stellar body complimented her red, backless dress. “Nice to meet you.”

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