Page 25 of Savage Deal

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“My daughter has told me so much about you.” Carly glanced at Jude. “If I didn’t know better, you could be one of her friends.”

“Cassie has been friendly to me.” I finished my drink, wishing I could disappear. I had no idea what the relationship between Jude and his ex entailed. How long were they together? She must have been close to his family to be at the wedding. “She’s very kind.”

“Are you enjoying yourself, Carly?” Jude placed his hand on the small of my back, caressing my spine with his thumb. “My sister was so happy you could make it.”

“I wouldn’t have missed it. Allie is my niece too. She and Cassie grew up together,” Carly told me. “We have so many memories. I can’t believe she’s old enough to be married.”

“This seems like a very close family.” Not that I had a family to model it against.

“Sometimes.” Carly laughed. “The Corderos can be interesting, but they know how to support one another.”

“Are we doing these shots?” Ryan shouted above the music that had suddenly gotten louder. He held up his glass. “To the bride and groom.”

“To the bride and groom,” Luke repeated before they all downed their shots.

“I’ll take one.” Carly pointed to the space in front of her.

“Come on, Mom, let me have one too,” Cassie said. “It’s a family wedding.”

“It’s up to your father.” Carly did her shot without hesitation. “He always has the final say.”

“I already said no.” Jude drank the shot that was supposed to be mine. “You’re eighteen. Emmie is two months shy of her twenty-first birthday. There’s a difference.”

“I should hope so.” Carly smirked. “We wouldn’t want anyone to think your date is too young for you.”


“You act as if I don’t drink anywhere else.” Cassie rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”

“I’ve seen how many times you’ve been served tonight.” Jude shook his head. “You don’t need any shots. Be happy I didn’t have the staff cut you off hours ago.”

“I could use another.” Ryan motioned for the bartender. “Just leave the bottle here.”

“What are we doing here with all these old people anyway?” Cassie took my hand. “They’ve finally stopped playing the dinner music. Let’s go dance.”

“Sure.” Getting away from Jude and Carly seemed like a wonderful idea, but when I turned to leave with Cassie, Jude grabbed my arm and tugged me to him.

The music, the conversations, the clamoring at the bar all faded into the background when Jude’s hard gaze connected with mine. Cassie still had my hand, but she was talking to her mom.

Jude leaned into my ear, his intoxicating breath filling the air between us with the scent of tequila. That foreign sensation filled me with excitement, stabbing between my legs. He tightened his hold on my arm, preventing me from moving.

“The next time you want to leave my side.” His gruff voice vibrated against my skin. “Ask my permission.”

As he breathed in the scent of my hair, I nodded my obedience. A cool sweat ghosted the back of my neck while my insides pulsed with an unfamiliar longing.

What do I want from him?

“Daddy, we’re only going to dance.” Cassie brought her attention back to me, guiding me away from her father. “I’ll bring her back.”

“Have fun.” Jude released my arm. “I need another one.” He pointed to his shot glass. “Who’s joining me?”

Cassie pulled me across the room and to the dance floor. Adrenaline coursed through my body, making it hard to think or even breathe. My shaky legs managed to get me to the dance floor where I let the music take over.

“My dad can be a bully,” Cassie yelled over the strong bass. “But he has a big heart even if he doesn’t let people see it.”

I glanced across the room, connecting with Jude’s unwavering gaze. After two days, he could read me better than anyone else could. No one had ever paid this much attention to me. No one looked at me the way he had. It was both consuming and frightening.

The thought of agreeing to his proposition terrified me, but the idea of belonging to someone like him fascinated me. My whole life, I wanted to belong. Jude offered me that. Earlier today, I wanted to run away and never look back.
