Page 26 of Savage Deal

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But now, I wanted to stay and never look back.What if, for once, I ran toward the darkness that always seemed to find me. What if I embraced it?

Chapter 8


Slinging back another shot of the top-shelf tequila hardly served as the distraction I had hoped for. Emmie proved to be a natural on the dance floor, but I wasn’t the only one who noticed her. The amount of attention she drew from almost every man in the room wasn’t lost on me.

Her black dress caressed her flesh, revealing just enough cleavage to drive me insane. The silky material stopped mid-thigh, showing off her fabulous legs. As the night went on, she came into her own. She wasn’t as awkward in the silver stilettos, and her posture had improved as she gained her confidence.

She had no idea she was the center of attention, and her unassuming manner drove me crazy. As she danced to the music, my desire for her took over. I wanted to claim every inch of her, and have what no man ever had: all of her.

“Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” Carly interrupted my thoughts. “She’s striking, but isn’t she a little young for you?”

I set my glass down on the bar, ignoring my daughter’s mother’s inquiry.

“Cassandra told me you found Emmie in your barn a few nights ago. How did she go from a squatter to your date?”

“She’s my date because Cassandra invited her.” I had no intention of bringing Emmie here, but now that I had, I didn’t regret it.

“Why are you with her?”

“She needs a place to say while she sorts some things out. I’m in a position to help her, so I did.”

“You’re in a position to control her.”

“You really want to do this here?” I tapped my fingers on the granite bar. “I haven’t had enough alcohol to deal with you.”

“I think it’s strange you brought her to a family function. You never bring a date.”

“It doesn’t mean I don’t go on dates.”

“Do you go on dates with women half your age?” She smirked. “Does your daughter take all of your dates shopping?”

“I told you, Emmie is working some things out. I asked Cassandra to take her shopping.”I motioned between us. “Why is this any of your business? Your monthly payment will still be deposited into your account even though our daughter is eighteen, we were never married, and I owe no financial support to you.”

“Just because our daughter is eighteen doesn’t mean you don’t have to take care of her.”

“Do you honestly believe I would ever stop supporting Cassandra? She has lived with me for the past two years because you couldn’t handle her. Do I have to remind you that I still kept you in the lifestyle you’ve become so accustomed to despite the fact that I had full custody? I’ve been more than generous. Don’t make me regret it.”

“I won’t.” She touched my arm. “I’m only thinking about you and the situation you could be getting yourself into. I saw the way Emmie looked at you all night. She’s out of her element here, and she needs your help to survive.”

“What’s your point?”

“I don’t want you to get into a situation you might regret later. You don’t know anything about this girl, and yet you’ve moved her into the house with Cassie. She was homeless two days ago. What are you thinking?”

“I’m thinking you are too invested in my business.”

“Is Emmie business? Is there something in this for you?”

Isn’t there always?

“I know you thrive on being in control. I’m only wondering if you’re with her because she has to be totally dependent on you. It won’t be healthy for either of you.”

“Since when did you become my therapist?” I waved to the bartender. “Order another drink and go have some fun before you say something that pisses me off.”

Carly and I had a toxic relationship, but we always managed to keep it together for Cassandra. Carly liked my money, but she hated my rules. She abided by them because I gave her everything she ever dreamed of. She hadn’t worked since Cassandra was born. she led a life of leisure. My money allowed her to volunteer on various boards, take vacations, and go on shopping sprees whenever she wanted. I footed the bill for everything. All I asked for in return was her loyalty and for her to be a good mother. Nowhere in my rules did it include speaking her mind when it came to my life.

“I won’t piss you off, but I do want to ask you for something.”
