Page 72 of Savage Deal

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“Why not?” Carly poured herself another glass of wine. “You’re allowed to express your opinion. Don’t let Jude control everything you do.” She shook her head. “I was your age when I met him. He was a few years older than me. Not as far apart as the two of you are in age, but he still intimidated me.”

“He doesn’t intimidate me.”

“I know you’re lying because he intimidates almost everyone with the exception of Luke, Grace, and maybe his sister.” She checked her face in the mirror hanging over the couch. “I’m surprised you’ve hung in this long.”

I can’t leave. He owns me.

“I get that he’s intriguing, rich, and extremely attractive. He’s aged well.” She smiled at herself in the mirror. “But all those qualities come with some pretty dark ones too.”

“You don’t seem to mind, because you’re still here too.”

“What makes you think I can leave?” She turned and stared at me, and I wondered what Jude did to keep her in line all these years. “I know you’re here because, like the rest of us, Jude has made you totally dependent on him. It isn’t all his fault. We allow it.”

“Jude helped me.”

“Don’t get me wrong, I love Jude in a twisted, dysfunctional way. He’s a wonderful father, and he provides for us. He’s not a bad person. He’s a strong-willed man who knows what he wants. Right now, he wants you. Don’t be afraid to stand up to him when you have to. You might not like his reaction, but if you set some boundaries, your life will be easier around here.”

“I probably shouldn’t have started by interfering with his daughter.”

“I’m sure Cassandra appreciates the support.” She topped off my glass with some prosecco and handed it to me. “Jude will forgive you when he calms down. Once he gets control over the Josh situation, which I’m sure he’s doing as we speak, he’ll be fine.”

“I hope you’re right.” Jude had been so kind to me. I didn’t want him to think I was ungrateful, but I didn’t want this situation with Josh to alienate his daughter.

“Emmie, you wouldn’t be here if Jude didn’t want you here. I’ve been around a long time, and he doesn’t often react to people the way he seems to have taken to you. This house is overwhelming. This family can be difficult to navigate, but at the end of the day, we love one another, and we support one another. If Jude wants you to be part of the family, then you get all of us, so don’t be afraid to speak up when you feel it’s necessary.”

“Thank you.”

Carly might be a useful ally, especially when it came to understanding Jude.

“Emmie!” Anthony came into the room. “I was looking for you.”

“Here I am.” I smiled at my sweet friend. “Are you excited for dinner?”

“I can’t wait to have the sweet potatoes and the stuffing. I don’t like turkey.”

“There’s ham too,” Carly said. “You like ham.”

“Grace put pineapples and cherries on the ham. I like cherries.”

“Let’s go see if we can rescue Cassie and Josh.” Carly headed down the hallway. “It smells delicious in here.”

“Cassie is in the kitchen,” Anthony said. “Mr. Cordero took Josh into his study.”

“Oh, boy.” I walked down the hallway with Anthony. “That should be an interesting conversation.”

“Will you sit next to me at dinner?”

“I’d love to.”

When I came into the kitchen, Jude and Josh were there. Maybe their conversation didn’t go so bad. It was difficult to tell. Jude and Luke were huddled by the patio doors, probably discussing business.

Jude ran his fingers along his beard, his eyes meeting mine. When I smiled at him, he winked at me, his gaze lingering on me for a few seconds before he returned his attention to Luke.

Carly was right, speaking my mind wasn’t such a bad thing. Maybe I could learn to navigate this family.

Chapter 20

