Page 106 of Wood You Marry Me?

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Because I had realized that my real dream, the thing that sustained me and inspired me, was my wife. Was the life we shared and the future and family we would build together. That was so much more important than any competition or sponsorship or career.

Regardless of what happened, I was here with my person. And someday, when we were old and gray, we’d tell our grandkids about this day.

She stood up on her tiptoes and gave me a kiss. “Love you.”

We still hadn’t figured it all out. Where we would live, what we would do, but none of it mattered. Hazel and I were a team, and we would tackle these challenges together. Because I didn’t need much, but I needed my wife.

Out in those woods, I think we’d both had that epiphany. That our love was so much bigger than any convenience or agreement. The endless interviews with law enforcement had confirmed just how dangerous these drug traffickers were and how badly things could have gone.

Lined up in a row, we got into position and waited for the starting gun. I had grown accustomed to the feel of her wrapped around me, the position of her legs and the way she tucked herself against me. I was more than familiar with every inch of her body, and while that was useful in many settings, it would be an advantage today.

Training for this race was fun and intense and silly all at the same time. And I had my wife to thank for volunteering us. Because regardless of whether we won, this event had brought us closer. Had helped us to learn to trust each other. And that was more valuable than any prize or corporate sponsorship.

The starting gun sounded, and we were off, heading down a hill and into our future.

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