Page 81 of Wood You Marry Me?

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Pulling me closer and banding an arm around my back for support, he found my clit and rubbed furiously. I gasped, desperate for all of him, as he slipped a finger inside me.

We were in the woods, in broad daylight, humping each other like wild animals. It was the most exhilarating thing I’d ever done.

But before I could get the relief I desperately needed, Remy shouted, the sound startling me, and I tore my eyes open.

“Fuck,” he hollered, his arm slipping.

Without his support, I dropped into the water. It took me a minute to find my bearings, and when I stood, I saw it. A moose at the water’s edge only yards from us, staring right at us.

“Get out of here!” he yelled, waving at the massive creature.

In response, the moose turned and nudged at the pile of clothes stacked neatly on the rock nearby.

“Is that…?” I said, trying to get a look at the giant animal’s flank.

It turned farther, revealing a large scar. “It’s fucking Clive,” Remy hissed. “Asshole moose.”

He splashed water at him and shouted in hopes of scaring him away. Clive was blocking the smooth creek bank where we had climbed in and, although he wasn’t known to be aggressive, everyone in Maine knew it wasn’t wise to get too close to a bull moose.

Clive took a step back, clearly unhappy with being yelled at. But instead of walking away, he bared his teeth and chomped down on the pile of clothes on the rock. Then he backed up and wandered away with them, my sports bra hanging out of the side of his mouth.

“What the fuck, Clive?” I called.

He moseyed toward the deeper forest, unbothered by our yelling, probably getting a kick out of leaving us naked in the middle of the creek.

“Cock-blocking son of a bitch,” Remy muttered under his breath.

I elbowed him, shivering as the temperature of the water finally registered. “I’m a little more concerned about getting back to our cabin. We’ve got to get over the hill and pass Henri and Alice’s house. And we’ve got no clothes.”

Remy scratched his beard. “Okay. I could carry you.”

“Naked me mounted on your naked back would be so much worse!”

“Yeah. Okay. I think our best bet is to grab our sneakers and jog home.”


“Yeah, we’ll hustle and keep an eye out. I’m sure it’ll be fine.”

I trudged to the bank, shivering, regretting stripping naked and following my hot husband into a creek.

Remy climbed out after me and shook himself off like one of Henri’s dogs. Then he stuck his feet in his shoes and laced them up, ass in the air, giving me a wink.

Meanwhile, I had my arms wrapped tightly across my chest. “How are you so cool about this?”

“Because a vindictive moose stole our clothes. That’s the equivalent of a lightning strike. No way we could predict it or prevent it. May as well laugh about it and go home.”

“But what if people see us?” I hissed, shuffling toward my shoes.

“This is rural Maine, and we live on the side of a mountain. How often do you see people around the cabin? Less than never, that’s how much.”

“But with my luck, there will be a parade and a presidential visit and a bus of school kids on a field trip.”

He rolled his eyes and took a step closer. “It’s summer vacation, so no school kids. And last I checked, there are no town festivals scheduled for this weekend, so we’re in the clear. Just put your shoes on.” He nodded at where they sat at my feet. “The faster we jog home, the faster I can get you in a hot shower and finish what we started before we were rudely interrupted.”

“Fine,” I huffed, slipping my feet in without bothering to untie my shoes.

“Let’s go.”
