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"Enzo, what about you? You see guy number two?"

Enzo snickered. "Yeah. I see him alright. Busy earning his wages by fucking some girl on the other side of the cargo containers."

"So, we should have a good thirty seconds before we have to worry about him," Nic joked, and a couple of the guys chuckled over the line.

"Okay, Luca. As soon as the guy on deck circles back around. Give the order and the first group moves out."

We moved in three groups. One each time the man would pass our location, until all our men were securely on board the cargo ship.

We scattered out, hiding behind large shipping crates, our guns in hand in case anyone discovered us. We may have had the money and manpower to take down the small shipping crew but sometimes stealth outweighed a show of brute strength. We hoped to make it into Corsica undetected to allow for the element of surprise.

When the large packing doors were closed and the ship began to slowly make its way out to sea, we were finally able to let our guards down and relax a bit.

There wouldn't be any reason for the ship's crew to head down to the cargo holding area before the ship docked in Corsica. Even then there would be a small window of time for us to slip out before they made their way to us.

About an hour into our four-hour journey, the door that led into the main part of the ship rattled. We hurried behind boxes and cargo crates with our guns at the ready. We wouldn't be able to risk word getting back to the Corsicans if anyone spotted us, and I had no desire to leave a trail of bodies along our path. At least not until I found the men I was looking for.

I slipped behind one row of boxes. Keeping out of sight, I slowly worked my way around the cargo containers as the ship worker walked down the main row. Eventually, I passed him so that I could come up behind him if he got too close.

He neared the group of Luca's men, and I held my breath. Any further and Luca would be exposed. I rushed toward him from behind, locking my arms around his neck in a chokehold before he could see them.

The ship worker fought, gripping desperately at my forearms. He tried his best to pry my arms from his throat, but I held tight even as he kicked out, his feet shuffling against the floor. His grip weakened. His motions slowed as the fight left his body just before he went limp. I dragged him out of view of the door and laid him gently on the floor.

"He'll wake up before too long,” Enzo warned.

"I know."

“It would be safest if we kill him now quickly and quietly so he can't go back and tell anyone that we're here,” Alessandro suggested.

I looked at one of the guys under my command. “Tie him up, blindfold and gag him. Nobody use real names in case he can hear us. We will leave him here for them to find. He won't be able to give any information if he doesn't have any to give.”

“It's still risky. Wouldn't it be easier just to end him now?” One of the men asked curiously but with no sign of disrespect.

“Easier? In some ways, perhaps. But taking a life should never be easy. And we should never kill just to avoid expending effort. It's lazy, sloppy, and inhumane.” My voice was even. I wasn’t angry or offended by his question. Most men in my position would have chosen to kill the man but I wanted to do things differently and doing things differently meant being willing to reeducate those under me.

The man nodded thoughtfully before retreating back into the crowd. For the rest of our trip, the majority of the men slept or rested until the ship came to a stop.

“We've docked,” I said just loud enough for my men to hear. “Hide until we’re sure that they aren't coming down here first.”

Once we were sure that the men had climbed off board, one of my contacts at the dock opened the cargo door and we all slipped out under the shadow of night.

He led us around a private area behind several shipping containers where La Guerriglia stood waiting with a dozen of his men and a large eighteen-wheeler at his back.

“I thought you guys could use a ride to the safe house.” La Guerriglia kept his voice low.

“We'd appreciate it.”

“I figured this would get less attention than chartering a Greyhound.” I gave a chuckle, and he slapped my shoulder as he guided me along. “I set up some mattresses in the back. You shouldn't get slammed around too much. You can catch a short nap before we get to the safe house if you want.”

“How long of a drive is it?”

“Nearly two hours.”

“And how far from there to Andrea's hideout?”

“About half an hour’s drive.”

“Alright. Thank you, my friend. I'm just ready to get Mia back.”
