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I offered Mia my hand and helped her out of the car. "It's my associate's vacation home. He said that I was always welcome to use it if I was ever in Corsica."

"That was generous of him."

I smiled, placing my hand on the small of her back to lead her into the house. "He owed me. Come on. Let's get inside. I'm sure you could use some food. Maybe a warm bath."

We just made it to the top of the front steps when Mia stopped me. "What about the other men?"

"They won't have to be as careful now that you aren't there. I told them to wipe out everyone."

“Everyone?” Mia tensed, a panicked look washing over her face. “Teo. They can’t. There’s a girl there, Abigail. She’s being held against her will. They force her to...dothings. And a housekeeper, Elena. I’m pretty sure she wasn’t there of her own choosing.”

“Give me a description. I’ll call my men and get them to be on the lookout for them.”

“Abigail has a daughter, too. I’ve never seen her but she’s eleven. Andrea was allowing her to keep her daughter as long as she did what he said, but he threatened awful things if she doesn’t.” Mia trembled and I wrapped my arm around her to pull her closer to me.

“Okay, I’ll let Nic know all that.”

I pulled out my phone and dialed Nic’s number but there was no answer, so I hung up and dialed Alessandro who answered on the second ring.

“Hey, boss. We’re just wrapping things up here.”

“You do as I instructed?”

“All the men are either dead or rounded up for questioning. Women are safely restrained until we can sort out who they are and what they are doing here.”

“Good. I’m looking for two particular women and a young girl.”

“Does Mia know? Somehow she doesn’t seem like the sharing kind,” he teased, and I couldn’t help but smile as I shook my head at him.

“One’s name is Elena, a housekeeper who was there against her will. Another sounds like one of Andrea’sspecialgirls. Her name is Abigail. Mia’s going to give you a description.” I put the phone on speaker and looked at Mia expectantly.

“Okay, I’m heading to where we’re holding the women now. Go ahead, Mia.”

“She’s about my age. Straight hair, big brown eyes, a little on the thin side. I don’t think Andrea fed her very well.”

“And you said her name is Abigail?”


Alessandro’s voice faded as he directed his words at the people on his end, but we could still make out what he was saying. “Alright, listen up. I’m looking for a girl named Abigail. Where’s Abigail?”

There was some nondescript talking on the other end before Alessandro’s voice came back on the line. “No one is fessing up. But I think I found who you’re looking for. She fits the description and looked nervous when I called out her name. I just texted over a picture. Tell me if that’s her.”

I checked my phone and pulled up the image before holding it up to Mia. “That her?”

“Yes, that’s Abigail. Oh, thank God. She’s okay. What about her daughter?”

Again, Alessandro’s voice lowered, and we had to strain to hear him. “I know you’re Abigail. Why are you not being honest with me? I also know that you have a daughter that I’m sure you’re eager to get back to.”

“Her daughter is eleven,” Mia called out over the line and Alessandro changed his questions accordingly.

“I know she’s eleven. Probably missing her mama about now. Where is she?”

“I’ll never tell you anything,” Abigail said sternly.

“Let me talk to her,” Mia demanded, and I was shocked by the strength in her voice.

“Okay. Here she is.”
