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“Abigail? It’s Mia. From the cell yesterday. It’s okay to tell those men where your daughter is. You can trust them.”

“No. It’s a trick. They are making you say that to get her.”

“No, Abigail. Please, this isn’t a trick. I want to make sure that you and your daughter are safe.”

“I don’t believe you. If they aren’t forcing you, then come in here and see me yourself.”

Mia glanced at me, and I shook my head while mouthing ‘no way.’But Mia lifted her brow and tilted her head to the side as if challenging me. I shook my head again and covered the phone receiver. “It’s not safe.”

“Alessandro said that they had everyone secured.”

“Yes, but—”

“Teo, this girl has been through hell. She has no reason to trust you or Alessandro, but she has a reason to trust me.”

“Why would she trust you?”

Mia flinched for a split second. If I had blinked, I would have missed it, but it was there. “Because I agreed to marry Andrea to save her, and her daughter’s lives.”

“You what?” It was like a sucker punch to the gut.

“I agreed to go through with the wedding so that he wouldn’t kill her and start pimping out her daughter like he does her.”

“What a bastard. I’m so glad he’s finally dead,” I muttered to myself. “I still don’t want you going back there.”

“Seeing me there,free, is the only way that she’s going to feel safe enough to maybe tell us where her daughter is so that we can help them both.”

“No, Mia. I’m not going to let you go back there. It’s not worth risking your safety. Andrea could still have backup coming.”

“Teo, I thought things had changed. I thought that we were past this.”

I let out a resigned sigh. “Fine. But we won’t stay long. Just long enough to find her daughter and we’re back out.

“Deal.” I uncovered the phone’s mic to let Mia respond. “Okay, Abigail. We’re on our way back.”

“Back? From where?”

“A safe place nearby but we’re on our way.”


“I’ll see you soon. And Abigail, everything’s going to be okay.”

“I hope you’re right.” The girl, Abigail, had a hint of hope in her voice as they hung up.

I could understand Mia’s desire to help the woman and her daughter. They were in a rough situation and Mia had a good heart. I just hoped that it didn’t put her in danger.

I escorted Mia back to the car and helped her in before rounding to the driver’s side. Her captivity had done a number on her. She didn’t walk with as much confidence as she had before. She was quieter and when she slipped into the seat of my car, I noticed a wince.

Seeing Mia in pain made me want to bring that bastard, Andrea, back to life just so that I could kill him in a more painful, time-consuming way. A quick shot to the chest was far too easy for a sadistic monster like him.

I drove down the road, wishing that we were heading out of Corsica and not back to Andrea’s. Even with the place under the control of my men, I didn’t trust that the Romanos didn’t have something else up their sleeve. I had learned before never to stand in Mia’s way when she got that determined look in her eye, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t going to do everything that I could to make sure that she was in and out of there quickly and safely.

Instead of pulling up on the side of the house like I had before, I pulled up to the front, not worried about hiding the car. Luca and some of his men waited out front.

“Hey boss, Alessandro said that you two were coming back. Something about a girl?” Luca asked as I helped Mia from the car.

“Yeah, just gotta handle some business really fast then I’m getting Mia out of this place for good.”
