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"Oh, I suppose that's a silly question isn't it? If you were feeling well then you wouldn't be here. I'll let Dr. Monticelli know that you're here.”

“Thank you.” I smiled through the sick feeling that gnawed at my stomach. She disappeared behind double doors and soon after, her and Arman appeared.

“Mia,” Arman said as he approached and hugged me gently. “You look pale.”

“I feel worse than I look,” I admitted.

“Let's get you to the back and run some tests. We'll find out what's going on.”

“Thank you.” I followed him through the double doors and down a long hallway that had several exam rooms on either side, along with one marked for x-rays.

Arman had plenty of family money and no need to work but he loved his job at the clinic, so much so that when funding for it suffered, he bought it as a private practice, keeping it free for those in need. He also equipped it with all the latest, state of the art equipment because he said that it wasn't fair for underprivileged people to be forced to sacrifice their health care.

My father and his both helped fund the project because it worked well for the family too. We had a legitimate doctor who kept all our secrets and a state-of-the-art facility to treat our family off the record. There was more security in the clinic than in most because my father had stocked it with Monticelli men to help keep away any enemies who might try to attack where we're weak.

Arman led me to a private room and helped me up onto the exam table. After a quick check of my vitals, he called in a nurse with a tray of syringes and vials.

“I'm just going to take a little blood so that I can run a few tests to make sure that everything's good. You're not running a fever so that's a good sign, but it also rules out most of the obvious possibilities.”

“So, you don't think it's food poisoning?” I asked curiously and turned my head as he began prepping my arm.

“It's possible but the chances of it being from the breakfast you ate that morning is slim. It doesn’t usually happen that fast. Most likely it would have been from something you ate the day before or even a couple of days before. The chances of it going away then coming back again is also strange. Most things hit hard and once it's out of your system it’s out of your system.”

“What could it be then?”

“We'll know more after these tests come back.”

“I really appreciate you fitting me in so quickly. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner.”

“It's no trouble at all. It's what I'm here for. I'm always here for you, Mia.” He pulled the needle from my arm, quickly placing a small cotton ball in the crease of my arm and folding my arm to hold it in place. “I'll put a rush on this. I know you have places to go.”

“Thank you.”

“Of course. I'm just going to go check on one of my other patients while we wait on this, and I'll be right back. Can I have one of the nurses bring you anything? Would you like a ginger ale? It could help settle your stomach.”

“I'll try anything.”

“In that case I'll also have her bring you a few crackers from the break room.”

Arman stepped out of the room and a few minutes later there was a quiet tapping on the door. Come in. The door slowly opened to reveal a pretty, young nurse with long straight brunette hair pulled back in a high ponytail.

“Hi. I'm Chiara. Dr. Monticelli said that you needed something to help your stomach.”

“Ciao,Chiara. Yes, thank you.”

She offered me a can of ginger ale and a pack of saltine crackers. I took them gratefully, opening the can and taking a sip.

“I also brought a few peppermint candies. I kept them around the office when I was pregnant last year and some of the kids that come in really enjoyed them, so I started keeping them all the time.”

“Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. I don't know what I got into, but I feel horrible.”

"I'm sure whatever it is Dr. Monticelli will be able to help. He's amazing."

"Yes he is."

"Is there anything else I can get you before I go?”

“No thank you. This is great.”
