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“I know that and I’m sure she knows that too but sometimes a woman might need to be reminded that you're not going anywhere. That, no matter what she does, no matter what happens, she has you and your support.”

I felt like Armando might know more than he was letting on. I wondered if Mia had talked to him, but I doubted that he would tell me if she had. So, I took his advice to heart, knowing that he might have some inside information he wasn't willing to share outright.

“Thank you Armando. I will do my best to do just that.”

“Good. Call me if anything else comes up with Mia. I'm always happy to help. And I hope you guys have a very enjoyable honeymoon.”

“Grazie.” I ended the call and pocketed my phone before heading back out to Mia.

She fiddled with the food on her plate, looking wistfully into the yard when I approached. She turned to look at me with a weak smile and my heart ached for her.

“Are you about ready to head out?”

“Yes. I can't wait for this trip. I've been looking forward to an entire uninterrupted week along with you for quite some time,” Mia said with a more genuine smile.

“As have I,” I said with a playfully lascivious tone and Mia giggled.


Asoft kiss on my temple, followed by a gentle nudge, pulled me from a dreamless sleep. I awoke to Teo looking down at me, affectionately. As my vision came into focus, so did the interior of the plane behind him.

"I'm sorry to wake you,bellissima, but we're about to land."

"I slept the whole flight? I make a horrible travel companion." I groaned. I straightened in my chair and covered a yawn before buckling my safety belt.

"You must have been exhausted. I'm glad that you got some rest." Teo’s gentle smile warmed my insides and made my stomach flutter.

“I’m so excited for a full week in Paris.” I grinned at Teo, feeling better after my nap.

“Me too.” Teo reached over and brushed a stray strand of hair from my face, tipping my head up, and pressed his lips to mine. When he pulled away, there was a look of awe in his eyes. “My beautiful wife.”

I smiled at him and leaned in for another kiss when we were interrupted by the pilot over the speaker system. “Sir, there’s a problem with the landing gear. We are going to have to do a belly landing. This is going to be bumpy, so I need you to brace for impact and make sure that seatbelts are secure. We touch down in one minute.”

Teo straightened in his seat and adrenaline shot through my veins, causing my ears to roar and my heart to slam against the inside of my chest. I looked at him, pleading for some kind of comfort. “Teo?”

He gripped my hand tight. “Everything is going to be okay. We’re going to be fine. It’s just going to be a little bumpy for a few minutes.”
