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But when I got closer, I heard Alessandro talking. I peeked out, not wanting to interrupt, but it was just him, pacing the floor while he talked on the phone.

"As soon as Luca's awake, we'll be ready for the jet...I know, but he knew the risk. We all did. We wanted to get Graziani and his men for you. As soon as my men have time to recover, we'll start the hunt for the remaining Romano brothers. We'll make sure you and Mia are safe."

I took a step back, knowing that I'd heard more than I should have. I wasn't sure who Graziani was, but everyone in Italy knew who the Romanos were. If Alessandro and his men were trying to get rid of them, they were more dangerous than I'd realized.

I took a second step back, but my foot caught on a metal dog bowl, tipping it over with an echoing clang. Alessandro whirled around to face me, his eyes quickly turning from anger to something like dread.

"I'll call you as soon as I know more." He ended the call and pocketed his phone without ever taking his eyes off of me.

Fear gripped me like a vice around my throat and I couldn't speak, but my fight or flight kicked into high gear.

There was a side door we came in through.

I turned and bolted for the exit. I swung the door open and ran outside, crashing into a large male figure. The driver from earlier.

I tried to shove away from him, but he squeezed tight, pinning my arms to my side.

"No," I screamed. "Let me go. Let me—"

He shoved me back inside the building and right into Alessandro's arms.

"Lookie what I caught. Looks like your stray tried to make a run for it."

I kicked and punched at Alessandro, but each blow was futile. "And here I thought she was house broken."

"I'm sure I could break her in a little bit for you." The driver ran his eyes up and down my body and I trembled with sickening dread.

"I'll handle her. Go back outside to keep a lookout."

"On it."

Gino hurried outside but my relief was short-lived. As soon as the door shut, Alessandro whirled me around, slamming my back against the wall, and pinning me there with his body.

"Why were you eavesdropping on me?"

"I—I didn't mean to."

"Bullshit," he barked in my face, and I flinched.

"You weren't supposed to hear that conversation."

"I know. I'm sorry, I was just..."

"Just what?" His tone again made me flinch.

"Luca's awake."

He let out a heavy breath, but it wasn't just one of relief.

"Fuck," he muttered under his breath. "You weren't supposed to hear any of that."

"I know. I'm sorry."

"You don't get it. You were supposed to fix up Luca, then go on your way."

"But now?" My voice trembled. I was terrified to ask but I had to know.

"Now I don't know what the fuck to do." He reared back and slammed his open hand into the wall right beside my head. I screamed and cowered away. He hadn't been aiming for me or I had no doubt he would have hit me.
