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“I guess pets don’t really need them with all the fur.”

“That’s true. Here.” I shrugged out of my jacket and offered it to her. It was light but would help some.

“Oh, I can’t...”

“Please, I insist.” I held out the jacket a little more insistently and she finally took it.

“Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it.” I gave her a brief nod before taking the seat closest to Luca. Just before she walked out the door, I called out to her. “Oh, and Sienna?”

She stopped and looked back curiously.

“Don’t try anything stupid.”

She gave a slight nod before heading out to the waiting room.

Chapter 4


I tossed and turned on the small waiting room sofa before finally falling asleep. It hadn’t been the hard couch that had kept me awake. I was used to the uncomfortable cots the hospital offered for their doctors. It was knowing that just in the other room was the scariest, most intimidating, yet alluring man I’d ever met.

He was tall, muscular, and wouldn’t hesitate to put a bullet in my head if I’d done anything to harm my patient. But he was also loyal, and I could see that he really did care for his friend. He’d thought that I was willing to walk away and give up on one of my patients but after he’d found out the truth, I’d seen a shift in the way he looked at me, at the gentleness in the way that he spoke to me. But that didn’t change the fact that he was clearly a dangerous man, armed, and willing to kill any perceivable threat.

I jolted awake, feeling disoriented as I glanced around, finally remembering where I was. The waiting room was empty. I checked the clock. I’d been asleep for maybe two hours and the sun was just starting to warm the hue of the sky.

I picked up Alessandro’s jacket and brought it to my nose, breathing in the clean, woodsy scent of him. I wasn’t sure what had made me do that, but I blushed and lowered the jacket quickly as I realized what I was doing.

I stretched and made my way back into the surgery suite. Alessandro sat slumped in the chair. He struggled to keep his eyes from closing and he jumped when he saw me. He looked so disarming, sitting there with a relaxed posture and droopy eyelids. I couldn’t help but smile.

“You’re exhausted. Go get some sleep,” I whispered.

“No. I’m fine.”

“You can barely keep your eyes open. I’ll keep watch for a little while. I promise that I will wake you if anything changes.”

Alessandro let out a defeated sigh. “Okay, just for a little while.”

He stood and took his coat from my outstretched hand, giving me a nod as he made his way out of the room.

I walked over to Luca and checked his vitals. His pulse was stronger which gave me hope but he hadn’t woken up, yet which made me a little nervous that perhaps there had been more damage than I could evaluate in our current state. I lowered myself to the chair beside him and watched the rhythmic motion of his chest rising and falling steadily. I found myself lost in the hypnotic rhythm of his steady breathing until sleep took me.

I jerked awake by an unknown voice. “Hey, sleeping beauty. Wake up.”

“Huh?” I looked over to see Luca awake and looking right at me. “You’re awake.”

“Yeah. You wanna tell me what I’m doing here?” He looked around at the animal pictures on the wall and scrunched his face. “At a veterinarian’s office?”

“You were shot. You lost a lot of blood but you’re going to be fine.”

“I remember being shot...where’s Alex?”

“Oh, Alessandro? He’s just in the next room. I’ll run and get him.”


I jumped up from my seat and hurried out the door. I slowed my steps as I neared the waiting room.It might not be the best idea to startle a man with a gun, especially if he's sleeping.
